Girl I’m dating atm sends me a message saying “I just want to apologize now. Brother in laws friends want to get me drunk so we’ll see how the night goes” cause we usually sit there and talk/text all day and I responded “All good be careful with that especially when it comes to dudes wanting to get you drunk” but mentally I’m kinda like wtf/that’s a little suspicious. Shes currently in Cali with her sister and her sisters husband who’s in the navy with a bunch of navy dudes. Want female opinions cause all my guy friends pretty much say she’s for the streets.

  1. For sure doesn’t seem like something you should say to your SO. Seems immature and just not good. Not sure how long you been dating her. I’d be a bit wary.

  2. Sounds like she is prepping to cheat, or she is going to do something else while drunk she seems to think she will need to apologize to you for.

    You could always ask what she is apologizing for, get it out in the open.

  3. Or maybe she means expect drunk texts/calls. Or that she’s going to have fun and may not respond as quickly or often as she may usually respond.

    People who cheat don’t tell others they’re going to cheat… Unless they want to have revenge etc.

  4. Spent a week in Honolulu with a friend who was a local. I’ve seen first hand horny military dudes on leave looking for action. This is sus and with nobody to look after her, its almost like she knows she won’t be able to control herself and is inserting herself into a dodgy situation.

    “She’s for the streets” is kind of well put.

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