Hey y’all
I got married last year dec and since i got sexually active , i keep getting a uti almost everytime i get physical with my partner. I have visited both urologist as well as gynac. Got urine culture test as well as ultrasounds.But all tests came back normal. Have taken cranberry supplements as well but still no help. Whenever i get a uti, i take an antibiotic pill and it gets better within 2-3 hours but those 3 hours are hell. The pain is unimaginable….. can someone help ?? My partner also got checked and no issues there as well. We always use protection but still i keep getting this issue. It is really affecting my life badly…. Please suggest something… it is a genuine issue 🥲

  1. This sounds terrible. I am so sorry you are dealing with this. So, there are a couple things to try, although you may have already done these things. Urinate after having intercourse or physical play. This may help flush the urethra. Also, make sure that you and your partner’s hands and genital areas are clean before having sex. The issue may be related to any bacteria on the hands or nails and not the genital area. Another thing to consider is the type of protection you are using. If you are using condoms, you may need to look at the ingredients. Look to see if there is any lubricant that may be scented or flavored that may be causing the issue. You may be having a slight enough reaction to something you are using that it causes minor swelling that traps the bacteria into the urethra. Also consider that the UTI may be triggered by sex, but originates from something else. Are you prone to holding your bladder or are you slightly dehydrated? Do you use soap or body wash for sensitive skin or do you take baths with bath bombs or bubble bath? These are triggers for some people. They may not directly trigger a UTI in you, but adding sex into the mix may then cause bacteria to get trapped because of an existing sensitivity.

  2. A few things stand out.

    Cranberry pills don’t do much of anything and the literature does not support it. If you like the taste of cranberries enjoy the juice instead.

    Antibiotics don’t usually resolve a UTI in a three hour period.

    It is likely something else is going on.

    You probably already have a good post PiV routine but washing up and urinating afterwards can help prevent UTIs.

    Sometimes sex causes irritation of the urethra and that can be very painful but is usually self limited. Different positions might decrease the amount of irritation.

  3. Just to be clear, when you said you had urine cultures done and they came back normal…is this when you’re symptomatic or non symptomatic? If it’s the former, you might consider looking into interstitial cystitis as when it is not caused by bacteria, the way it is treated is different. And as one more (though possibly unlikely) cause for regular uti’s, is hormonal issues, specifically low estrogen.

    Also, there is a product called d’mannose, which is typically way more effective than the typical cranberry pills that you would get at the drug store. Definitely talk to your doctor first, but some have great success in taking these when they are symptomatic AND prophylactically (every time you have sex if that is your trigger).

  4. Yeah…prescribing antibiotics before cultures is kind of problematic. But resolution of pain within 3hr? That’s interesting. If you were taking phenazopyridine with the antibiotic that would make more sense…

    For the d’mannose i think the recommended dosage is something like 500mg every few hours or one dose 500-1000 prophylactically (not advice though).

    Anyway, hopefully someone’s advice here is helpful and things get better!

  5. I take an antibiotic (nitro 50mg) once a day if I’ve had sex that day. After peeing, washing before and after, and cranberry pills it was the only thing that helped. Urologist prescribed it.

  6. It happened to me with the first guy I was sexually active with. At the time I thought the problem was me. He had horrible hygiene habits I assume because he reeked down there. He was pretty much verbally abusive, we broke up. I had another boyfriend and no problem with him.

    If you asked the guy I had UTIs with he would tell you his hygiene was perfect, but I can say for sure my UTI’s came from him. Are you sure your partner is clean or are you just going by what he tells you?

  7. I’m in my 40s and have chronic utis after sex. Mine are so bad, that (sorry for being graphic) it looks like I pee chunky cherry kool-aid. It’s terrible. I’ve always been like that.

    Yes, after sex I make sure I pee, drink at least 8oz of water, wash myself up. My partner and I are both clean. What’s worked for me, and I hadn’t had a uti since, is taking a preventative antibiotic after sex. I’ve had zero problems. If we’re having sex for 6-7 hours, I just take the antibiotic after the first time. It’s truly changed my life. Of course everyone is different, but it’s worth talking with your dr about. Also impt to take a probiotic!

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