How does it feel to get hit in the balls? Is it really that bad?

  1. Luckily I haven’t gotten hit in the balls but it heard it’s very painful and can mess up the testicles if hit too hard

  2. The only way to know,is to put it into practice. If you’re not throwing up after hitting yourself in fhe balls…. You’re not doin it right.

    P.S. ALWAYS glad to help… 😉

  3. you never see any men okay after getting hit in the balls, everything stopped to process the pain and protect the part to prevent further pain.

    the pain is not only on the balls, it rise up to the stomach and makes you nauseous as well.

  4. TLDR: yes.

    Take the feeling you get if you’ve ever hit your thumb hard with a hammer, or trapped a finger in a door – that deep, overwhelming throbbing pain that is all you can thi k about for a few moments – then add a really powerful wave of nausea, enough to bend you double and make you’re entire gut clench. Then slowly turn the diall up on all those feelings so they continue to build for a minute or so. If you can imagine that you’ll have a rough picture.

  5. It’s not just painful, but the pain can go up into your stomach and make you feel like you are going to throw up or like the wind is knocked out of you.

    Accompanying the pain is a powerful sense of panic. I don’t know what chemicals are released but suddenly all thoughts are replaced with a powerful urge to immediately do something/anything to protect your groin and prevent it from happening again.

    It’s pain, nausea, and anxiety all wrapped up in a neatly wrapped gift.

  6. I was writhing in pain for a good, or should I say, bad 30 seconds which felt like minutes.

  7. but besides the pain it induces its the after affects. a lingering feeling similar to when you need to vomit can sit in your gut for hours. its more than just outright pain. which as some whos broken my arm. its worse than the bone break was.

  8. I was working in an attic as a teen when I did construction and accidentally stepped off a rafter onto the ceiling and fell through while straddling the rafter. It was only a 3 foot or so drop onto my balls, but I hit it square, and the pain was enough that I passed out and fell through the ceiling into the living room. When I came to, I didn’t have a job anymore.

  9. Imagine you just found out you had a bone you didn’t know existed by it breaking.

  10. It’s awful, takes minutes to even be able to stand upright again sometimes. Instantly sends someone to the floor.

  11. Any man within range of sight that happens to look at someone get hit in the balls will have an intense need to clutch their own balls.

    That should probably tell you how it feels like xD

  12. Yes. It seems to be worst than when a woman’s cervix s penetrated during sex.

    I was intentionally hit there once. I didn’t know what had happened. Then the pain came over me and I fell to the ground. It took a while for me to have the strength to get up.

  13. Put it this way:

    I’ve seen SEVERAL men vomit from the pain caused by being kicked in the balls.

    I’ve never seen anyone else vomit from pain, or any kind.

  14. Have you ever injured yourself and the pain is so bad that when you try and scream no sound comes out ?

    It’s about 5-10times more painful.

  15. Yes. Imagine your worst period pain. Now add being kicked directly in your ovaries.

  16. If you could metaphorically relate it to being knocking your ego out, combined with gut wrenching pain and nausea to your inner core, that would describe being drilled in your sack. And 5 times worse.

  17. Like being hit in the fallopians. Winded. Trying not to cry. Gasping for air. Puking a bit.

    Man up, cunts!

  18. yeah its bad it sucks the wind out of you and then you get 3 kinds of pain the first one is the basic one that superficial one that happens when you get hit anywhere the second is the one where take a hard gut punch and you can feel everything inside your hit and rub against itself and the last one is the worst its like that dull pain you get from a tooth ache that lingers so much longer that everything else and it separates from the balls and travels up to your stomach and prompts you to try to vomit it continues to linger in both the stomach and the balls

  19. Put it to you this way, if you want to stop a male attacker and he is trying to kill you, grab the hell out of his nutsack and don’t stop until he falls over. If you have distance, kick or use a long object and hit until he falls over.

    All in all, unless he’s trained or is wearing protection, he WILL fall over. There’s not much that hurts a man more than this. So, please don’t do this unless he’s trying to kill you.

  20. I have broken a couple bones but the only physical pain capable of make me cry since the nineties was a kick to the balls.

    Yes, it is that bad.

  21. It’s very painful. Even worse is that the pain goes up into the abdomen by the kidneys I think. Not pleasant.

  22. Put your hand in a vice grip and tighten until you can’t stand the pain anymore and are doubled over.

    Something similar but worse.

  23. It’s kinda like the pain you feel when you jab your eardrum with a cotton swab thingy but between your legs

  24. It’s uncomfortable but not nearly as debilitating as TV makes out. Getting hit in the face is worse, especially the eyes or nose.

  25. As for the times i’ve accidentally been hit in the balls by black belts, not only you feel the piercing pain for the impact, but all your lower body gets paralized along with your stomach, with the sense you’re losing your breath. And as someone else alreasy said in this thread, the pain last for a minute but it feels like hours.

  26. Thankfully I’ve never been hit in the balls myself but from what I’ve heard it does not sound good at all.

  27. Oh it’s bad. Kind of like taking a liver shot but less debilitating (not by much, mind!) and more painful.

  28. Lets put it this way. Women a year after giving birth will say “You know, I’d like to have another child” No man says after any length of time says “You know, I’d like to get kicked in the nuts again”

  29. The pain goes away rather quickly, but the nausea lasts awhile. Feeling like you’re going to throw up after getting hit is weird and awful.

  30. Have you ever hit your funny bone, that bundle of nerves and vessels in your elbow? Remember how that felt? Now imagine that, only in your genitals, where there’s no bone structure to help absorb the impact.

  31. There’s getting hit in the balls (instincts kick in. You’ll feel aware that something that shouldn’t happen just happened) and then there’s getting smashed in the balls. (It’s like taking a horrible shot to the liver. The shock sucks all energy out of your body before you even feel any pain. And when the pain comes it pulses. If you were not expecting it, it’ll take even longer to be able to breathe properly.

    But there is a bright side.

    If you’ve been smashed in the balls, it won’t hurt nearly as much the next time it happens.

    Unless the next time you’re taking a pointed or steel toed shoe/boot.

    Damn those suck.

  32. Men aren’t as good at empathy as women are. But the one universal thing that every man can empathize with is getting hit in the balls.

    It hurts so bad, that when you see someone else get hit in the balls, a man will wince and adjust himself while moving his hands to protect his own sack without even think about it. So yes, it hurts on a level so bad that men have an instinctual response to it.

  33. It’s very painful and then the pain travels and expands up into your abdomen and lingers.

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