Me and my girlfriend had unprotected sex
yesterday (this isn’t the first time) and neither
of us have had any type of sexual interaction
with anyone else. We had sex In the shower
and in the bed the same day. But apparently
the next day, it burns when she pees, she has
bumps and her vagina has a bad odor. I’m not
experiencing anything though. I’m one million
percent sure I haven’t been with anyone else
and she’s one million percent sure she hasn’t
either and I trust her. What could this be? And
how can we get rid of this?

Edit: We kinda want to avoid going to the doctor due to our parents and we both are under 18 and our parents are crazy. Unless that’s what we have to result to.

2nd Edit: She has white stuff at the creases of her vagina as well.

  1. Probably a UTI if neither of you have had previous sexual partners, but yes, go see a doctor.

  2. If you’ve never had sex with anyone else, you didn’t give her an STD. STDs do not spontaneously occur – they are spread.

    She likely has a UTI. Either way, she should see a doctor.

  3. Sounds like bacterial vaginosis (BV) or maybe yeast. There is no reliable over the counter treatment in the US for BV although there are for yeast but since this is her first experience I think a doc is warranted. I don’t know about other countries. She’s going to have to go to the doctor to treat it. Neither BV or yeast/fungal infections are an an STD so it doesn’t prove that she’s had sex or anything. She could get it from a wet bathing suit or too much washing.

  4. Symptoms the next day would probably be UTI, I don’t think an STD would pop up the next day. I’m sure any parent would not get mad if you just said, there’s something I noticed with my nether regions and I’d like to see a doctor about it.

    The doctor will ask you if you’re sexually active so be honest with him and tell him the truth about not wanting to freak out your parents and most likely he’ll cut you some slack.

    You and your girlfriends health is super important, more important than the weight of getting in trouble.

    Honesty is of the utmost importance here, maybe sit your dad and/or mom down and tell them you are sexually active. They might take it easier than you think but if they don’t and they freak out than at least you were honest and you won’t have to live with lying about it.

    Being honest to your parents builds trust and a bond…even if they don’t say so, it still shows you can be honest about things of importance.

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