I have this relatively new friend that i’ve been getting to know, and for my birthday we wanted to have a sleepover and binge watch a ton of disney movies he hasn’t seen. he asked his mom and she went apesh1t crazy on him telling him to have self respect and mocking him.

she told him that i’m a female manipulator/groomer and my parents are child groomers (comparing them to jeffery epstein) simply bc we wanted to have a sleepover. i don’t even know how she makes these connections in her head, it’s the most insane reaction i’ve ever seen.

she now absolutely despises me, he’s not allowed to hang out at my house anymore nor am i allowed to be at his. he’s also not supposed to hang out with me, even tho he just lies.

along with limiting hangout options, it makes me incredibly angry and upset that she doesn’t like me to this extent, when i did nothing wrong. it’s also not ideal to have someone falsely believe your parents are child groomers.

we didn’t do anything wrong, we simply asked to sleepover. i’ve never even met this woman in person let alone spoke to her directly over text/the phone. i can drive us around, but it’s still annoying not being able to go to each other’s houses and lying all the time.

this is the most confusing fcking situation i’ve been in before and i don’t know what to do. he’s tried talking to his mom but she’s convinced that im in a family of child groomers trying to manipulate him into i don’t even know what. i want to be on her good side for my sanity/reputation as well as so we can hang out at each other’s places and not have to lie. pls help!

  1. My guess is that his mother was abused as a child. That would explain her over-the-top reaction to such an ordinary thing. My suggestion is to have some compassion for her, and keep your distance, as her thinking about this is clearly nowhere near rational.

  2. How old are you and how old is he?
    Ultimately, you can’t control everyone, and sometimes people are not going to like you *just because*.

    Also, you say you’ve never met her before? If not, a
    I can understand why she might be hesitant to let the sleepover happen and some parents are iffy on boy/girl sleepovers in general. Although it does sound extreme, the way she’s blown up… If you’re serious about changing her mind, you should make an effort to reach out to her and make amends. Otherwise what can you do? Swallow your pride and hang out when you can, until he’s old enough to move out or she trusts you enough.

    It’s really hard to know, you sound like you are pretty mature when you write but if you’re both underage and living at home there’s really not much you can do.

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