There are multiple scenarios that I ve been through in my life where these kind of jokes were made and I completely suck at dealing with them since I had to deal with lots of bullying. This led me to take jokes way too seriously at times and I often embarass myself in front of everyone by saying something wrong.

Scenarios like:
1. Joke by a good friend, that was actually hurtful
2. A Harmless joke (for the person who made it) that was harmful to me
3. Somebody in a friend group or at work that doesnt like me but is liked by everyone else, making a joke that was supposed to hurt me. (Like finding a bad trait of mine and then making a joke about it)
4. The typical “It was just a joke!” moment. Whether it was a harmless or a harmful one.

How i try to deal with them:
1. Pretend that these are funny and laugh. It sometimes works but there were times where people made a comment about it like “He doesnt realize that I just roasted him!”. And the other people laugh with this person..
2. Add a joke that fits the topic like “Yeah I know am really clumsy. Its like I have two left hands”. But sadly the same thing happens here..
3. Compliment them. “Wow your roast was good” This is actually dangerous at times I have realized since it gives a huge ego boost to that person and they will continue to roast me. Maybe make an evem worse joke
4. Answer with ” Wow I am getting bullied here!” I see some people using that line and it works for some reason. Why is that? They are comepletely cool with each other after that. It barely works for me. They tell me that “It was their intention”

Had to get this out of my chest. Its a terrible thing for me at times and can be the reason why I dont connect much with any person. How do you deal with this stuff? What exactly are the solutions to this problem?

Thx in advance!

  1. “If I cared at all about your opinion, that would be pretty hurtful.” Keep repeating it to yourself until you believe it. ((Hugs))

  2. “Oh, haha, you’re as funny as an STD. How’s that working out for you, anyway? Did you need a refill on your prescription?”

  3. First, do not respond. Just stare at them with a straight face. If they ask why you are not laughing, just shrug and say, “It’s not funny.” While you’re at it, learn to stop laughing at hurtful things out of politeness.

    Second—and this is the most important step—stop hanging out with people who keep hurting you. You can’t control what other people do to you. If they want to disrespect you, they will. But what you can control is who you hang out with. That’s it.

  4. For number 1, make a roast back or say something funny/sarcastic. If you respond, it’s less of a roast and more of a joke. It’s also less awkward. Try not to play too much into the joke because it’s actually not funny.

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