Im in love with my bm. I got married in February to someone else. I tried to fix things w my bm but she was firm she didn’t want me anymore. Since we’ve broken up she’s doing better , all the things I wanted to for her while me were together she’s done. Moved in an apartment bought a car , holding down a great job. It’s hard to watch her do all the things she said she would without me. She went to the ocean for the first time this year it’s something we always talked about doing together but she did it for herself. I was still in love w her when we ended officially. We were on a break and she was dating others and so was I. I met my wife during this break, I never intended for it to go as far as it did. It supposed to be a fling during the break from my bm. This is just me being as honest as I can be. When I went to make up with my bm she refused to reconcile, I bought her gifts and money, she refused everything said she wanted nothing from me. She felt something was off with us and she was right because I was seeing my now wife even though I hadn’t told her that, she knew. Hurt, I dived in my relationship with my wife and after 6 months of dating I asked her to marry me. She agreed and we got married at the courthouse in February. My bm was more than accommodating…she took my off child support so it wouldn’t effect our income, she set up a schedule for me to see our child. She let me go and that hurt . Months into my marriage I realized it was a mistake, I jumped into this situation due to my hurt with my bm. My bm and I are still friends, she a great woman. She didn’t hold any resentment toward me, she is cordial with my wife, they’ve even hung out together alone. My wife mentioned how likeable and personable my bm is as well. My wife went out of town one night and my bm had left her weed at our home: I called her over to get it. I guess I knew I wanted to see her and missed her. When she came to get it we laughed a bit and took a few shots. Before I knew it I’d kissed her and from there we had sex. She had regret and felt bad for my wife but I wanted her. I told her it was fine and we had again about a week later. I don’t want anyone to think she pursued me she didn’t. I fully went after her, I missed her . We always had great vibes and sex and my wife and I struggle with sexual compatibility and genuine interactions. My bm makes me happier overall but my wife and have been able to build businesses together in short time. She wants to please me, she does love me. But we don’t have the same passion & fire as my bm. My bm tells me I’m unfair I came to bother her and mix up her emotions. Now I’ve found myself in a situation where I love my wife and I’m in love with my bm. Our relationship wasn’t over when I started a new one but my wife is innocent and doesn’t deserve this. I don’t know if I should leave the past in the past or try again for what I think is true love. Or i should stay with my wife who has accepted my child as her own although she has no children. She also moved from the east coast to the Midwest for me away from all her family. I know I’m an asshole and all of this is on me but I don’t Want to live with any regret. I don’t want to hurt anyone but I know as result of my actions I will hurt one of the women I Love. Please give some advice

1 comment
  1. Your wife deserves so much better. Man up, come clean and set the woman free. What you did was selfish and cruel, and she should have the opportunity to rebuild her life and have a husband that loves and respects her with whom she can build a family with.

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