My bf gets upset when I won’t see him. I see my boyfriend about 2-4 days out of the week as I have a balance of school, bf, friends, family and alone time. I need to more alone time then him and if he could, he would be with me 24/7. For example today, he was asking me all day to hangout and each time I had to tell him a reason why I couldn’t at that time. I just wanted to stay home today but I wouldn’t be able to tell him that because he would bring up how he would come see me anytime no matter what and that I don’t put in the same effort as him. Once I get free times, he will always ask me to come over and some days I’m busy or that I just don’t feel like it because we live 30 mins away from each other or that I have a class the following day. I don’t mean to make him feel like I’m pulling away or losing feeling for him, but I have a lot more to balance as his family and friends don’t live here. I am not sure that I can’t provide him with the time he needs.

1 comment
  1. This isn’t healthy and a huge red flag. Please consider if you really want to stay in the relationship

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