Like mental illness, losing a job, relocation, or moving away?
If these weren’t a toxic or horrible reason for a breakup, would you consider getting back with them?

Like let’s say for example, you were with someone for a few months, and you decided to move across the country, and then you decided to come back home. And either you or them reached out, would you want to give it another shot?

And if so, do you think maintaining a healthy dose of contact or communication while apart is a good idea?

  1. If the situation was what you described yeah of course. It’s actually the plot for a lot of love dramas Hahah
    Life is hard and we need to make choices that can affect other things. So if both of you have the opportunity to try again, and nothing bad happened the last time, why not?

  2. Getting back together with someone you broke up with only ever makes sense when the thing that caused you to break up has changed. In situations like you’re describing, sure why not?

  3. I would consider getting back at them if the situation is similar to what you stated or if the breakup ended on good terms. Sometimes the time away from each other makes us grow individually as a person. Maintaining consistent communication is not a bad idea if both parties agreed on it and there’s an equal amount of effort.

  4. Many many many people who are in happy long term committed relationships broke up at some point in their relationship. The notion that you can never date an ex is ridiculous.

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