My bf(30m) and I(31f) have been dating for about 9 months, and we’ve already had our fair share of ups and downs.
We used to have a lot of fights/discussions, but we always managed to talk about our differences and find compromises that we were both happy with. For the past I’d say 2 months everything is actually going really smoothly.

Until a week ago when he said he was feeling really overwhelmed. I thought he meant work or something, so I asked him to talk to me about it. He told me he’s just overwhelmed as a general kinda feeling and cannot pinpoint what it is. It’s not one specific topic. So naturally I asked if he also meant that he was getting overwhelmed with out relationship and he said he’s not sure.

Now here’s two important things you need to know:

1) he’s had a depression a couple years ago, he went to therapy, took medication, and he hasn’t been depressed since
2) we live in different cities and only see each other on the weekends. We alternate between the two cities and I’d say once every month/2 months he goes on a citytrip/ski trip/vacation/… with friends.

I kept pressuring him to talk openly about how he felt and he insisted that he doesn’t think anything’s wrong with our relationship and it’s probably early stages of another depression. BUT he also says he’s tired of our weekend routine, that maybe he’s just not ready to commit, and that he doesn’t want to hurt my feelings. He feels like he has to force himself with work, taking care of himself and maintaining a relationship. He basically concludes that I don’t have to worry about anything, it’s just that he’s confused now and he doesn’t know why.

Now, I want to support him, because I really love him dearly and I’m pretty sure he loves me as well. So I told him that if our weekends together are overwhelming him we should maybe stop seeing each other for a while. He reluctantly (mainly because he thinks this hurts me) agreed.

I don’t feel like I will get a straight answer out of him. He says it’s (probably) not about the relationship, but pretty much every example he gives of being overwhelmed is tied to our relationship. For me seeing each other every weekend (apart from the ones where he’s away with friends) is pretty much the bare minimum of commitment. I’m not a needy or clingy person either. However I’m super confused now because my intuition is saying he likes me, but doesn’t want to hurt my feelings and is trying to look for a way out. He says it’s not like that.

I honestly don’t know what to do. I’m very loyal and would support him any way I can if he’s going through a difficult period. On the other hand I’m really scared that he’s just too afraid to break up with me. Should I give him time? Should I ignore my intuition and do the opposite so he knows that I won’t break up when he’s going through a hard time? I honestly have no idea what to do in this situation.

Tl;dr: does he need time because he’s possible depressed or is he looking for a way out?

  1. I think he’s looking for a way out, he’s just not willing to be honest for whatever reasons. If he’s overwhelmed and “unsure” just find a guy that is “sure” of what he’s doing and what he wants. The confusion and running around in your head isn’t healthy though or worth it.
    Even as a guy, if my chick was always overwhelmed and unsure and making me feel un wanted then see ya!!

  2. I also think he’s looking for a way out. It’s not like you see each other a lot as it is; you’d think he’d be really excited to see you at the weekends.

    Also “a lot of fights” in 9 months is not a sign of a healthy relationship. And it’s the _first_ 9 months, too.

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