Disclaimer: If it were legal.

  1. Probably not at all good.

    Even wild Turkey meat can be a bit of an acquired taste. I imagine Eagle would suuuck.

  2. No, not out of any reverence or anything just never really occurred to me. Do any eagles even taste good? I guess the egg might be good.

  3. Never even considered it. A lot of birds taste pretty gross.

    I definitely don’t day dream about eating random birds.

  4. No.

    Predatory animals tend to have odd flavor profiles, and fish eaters in particular also taste fishy. Which I do not even like when eating Fish.

  5. No. I’m not interested in eating carnivore birds… I’ll stick to chickens and turkeys that eat mostly plants and bugs.

  6. They’re portrayed as stealthy hunters but they are very happy to scavenge a dead carcass or tear apart bags of garbage bags for rotting meat. Very gross.

  7. Noooooo….. Not for any patriotic reason just I don’t feel compelled to eat that. We’ve got plenty of birds good for eating already.

  8. i dont think it would taste amazing but if someone made and prepared it for me then sure id try it

  9. No.

    I don’t like that I eat any meat, but it is challenging to be vegan. If I was of stronger will I would be vegan. I have had too many pets to ever accept that animals aren’t capable of the full slate of human emotion.

  10. Wouldn’t matter if it was legal. I would be eating the national bird of the United States. I would never even consider the thought.

  11. No. Probably wouldn’t taste good either. Can’t even recall any bird of prey that people eat…owls, hawks, eagles, etc…can’t think of one.

  12. I’ve never considered it. I’d probably try it if I saw it on a menu though. I don’t imagine it would taste very good, but I’d still try it

  13. Birds of prey usually don’t make the best eating. Even the wild versions of common poultry fowl like turkey arent great unless you’re used to it.

  14. Absolutely not. That’s like asking someone if they wanted to eat their beloved dog.

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