On one of my last posts I have stated that I’m a huge proponent to never burn bridges in dating.

There were a lot of comments not in line with my way of thinking. Basically telling me that some bridges should be burnt…

I didn’t listen to those comments – since I fundamentally believe in my statement and my reddit post aimed at spreading positivity in the dating world.

Context: A girl has canceled a first date with me, since she was further with somebody else at the time. She meet him more often and realized quite late that she starts to have feelings. But she reached out to me again half a year later and I gave it a chance to reconnect to each other.

Now 3 months later, I’m in a Relationship with this girl and we couldn’t be happier together.

We were on a beautiful vacation last week (driving from Austria to the Netherlands and we never ran out of anything to talk about)

I’m in love with her personality, her humor, her looks and all the small things that make her special.

**I absolutly Love my Girlfriend!**

…and I believe I’ve found my Best Friend, (Future)- Wife and (hopefully one day) Mother of my Kids.

Be positive, she/he exists and Love hits you when you least expect it.

  1. Good for you – I think if people leave on good terms, being open to give it another chance isn’t exactly bad.

  2. This is lovely ❤️ shows you never know what’s around the corner!

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