I have had plenty of first dates that went well, they always ended in a kiss, even just a short little one.

I have also had dates that were bad overall and didn’t end in a kiss. However, last night I had a first date with a girl, we had a great time, good conversation, and early into the date she already talked about things she wants to do for a second date. Sadly, when I went in for a kiss she tilted away and slowly shook her head with an awkward smile.

So this is my first GOOD first date that didn’t end in a kiss.

My question for the women here is **how many of you had a long term, good relationship that started off with you NOT kissing on the first date?**

Is that normal? Have I just been lucky up until now for always having kisses on good ones? Or is this a sign things didn’t go as good as I thought and it’s over?

Give me opinions, no matter how brutal. I’m not resting my well being on this one girl (although she is sweet and honestly pretty hot) so if you personally think that’s a dealbreaker sign by all means say it.

  1. Kissing on the first date is very rare. You have to know people before you exchange bodily fluids unless you meet drunk at a club or bar for a hook up usually. You were lucky if that’s the word you want to use

  2. Some people don’t get physical on first, or even second or third dates. Nothing weird about that. It seems today with the hookup culture it is expected for intimacy to come almost immediately. Some people are not into that. You don’t know eachother after one date. Some people respect themselves more than to get intimate on a first date. Just push the brakes a little bit, and let her be the one to initiate the first intimacy.

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