Why do you like to be challenged at work/school/hobbies?

  1. Still trying to find that mix with work and school but hobbywise I’ve really come to like mountain climbing. I love drinking and occasionally taking things further but hate the damage it does on my body. I used to regularly push my body to the limit with the amount I would drink (still trying to take that number down) and for myself pushing my body to get to the top of the mountain is far more rewarding then getting wasted and the “highs” I get from exercising feel so much better.

  2. Because if everything is too easy then it’s unengaging and boring.

    If there’s no challenge, then I’m not paying attention. If I’m on autopilot, then I’m not really getting much benefit out of a given activity.

    My current job is too easy and there’s not much workload. I’m bored to tears most days. When I do have something to do, I don’t pay as much attention as I should and then stupid mistakes can happen.

  3. If what you’re doing is not challenging what would be the point? Unless you’re after an easy life

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