My dumper broke up with me and started dating his friend less than a week or so later. He keeps telling me he wants to be friends and we have been going through this cycle of being friendly and sometimes leading to sexting and then me getting annoyed at him and then the cycle begins again a few days later. The other day we had a friendly catch up that again led to sexting and he tried to reach out 2 days later, but I didn’t reply because I am just tired of it all then the next day he came to my house and dropped me a gift in my mailbox. I called him after and we got into an arguement after me telling me it wasnt ok and very confusing.

Why is he doing stuff like this?

1 comment
  1. Option 1: he’s stringing you along so that he can take you back as a second choice if things don’t work out with the new person

    Option 2: if you two stay “friends” then it justifies that he dumped you for his friend and was most likely emotionally cheating on you with her before he left (1 week is an unreasonably short turnaround time)

    In either case he’s pulling a major dick move. Don’t fall for the trap. Block him on everything, delete all the photos, throw away the gift, and go no-contact.

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