how do people have engaging conversations about things, that naturally flow, how do I have a convo without asking any questions

  1. I think it just comes out of genuine interest. You start talking about something and then you add from your perspective and experience and ask about theirs, or it reminds them of something. From there it just flows and silences and pauses are totally natural and ok!

  2. Usually by giving your opinion on different elements of the movie, show, music, or game and asking the other person for their opinions on it. E.g. How believable are the characters and their relationships? How did non-story elements (soundtrack, graphics, casting, etc) contribute to the story? How did certain moments make you feel and why? Did you notice any tropes and if so, how do you feel about those tropes and where else have you seen them that you particularly enjoyed or disliked? Did any elements remind you of other media? What would you have changed if you had created it? What plot moments surprised you or caught you off guard?

  3. There’s two ways to have a conversation.

    1. Q&A. This one is a lot less clicky, it’s just an interview

    2. Ramble. Someone speaks and tells their experience. Then you say your experience and opinion on it. Then they say theirs Then you say there’s and it just rambles on without any questions. Topic may or may not diverge, but it’s a ramble so it’s irrelevant.

    Trying to adapt to #2 helps with getting friendly flow. I just realized this myself. Time to apply it more.

  4. I do it with the understanding that the other person’s view is valid regardless of whether I share that view.

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