Bit of a nerdy one but you know those vast, green open world landscapes? Which bits of the UK look like they could be straight out of an RPG?

I would say from what I’ve seen, the Lake District and parts of Wales.

  1. Google the National Botanical Gardens in Wales for pictures inside the dome

  2. Cumbria, Northumberland, North Yorkshire, the northern half of Lancashire, the western half of County Durham, Derbyshire Peak District, much of Wales, Devon.

    Basically the (rural) upland areas of England and then Wales.

  3. Rannoch Moor.

    All of Ross-shire.

    Or basically anything north/northwest of Perth.

  4. The entire new forest, the terrain and scenery changes so much throughout too, I always end up banging some fantasy synth ambient on to fit the occasion, more specifically the giant sequoia trees make me feel as if I’m on a different planet…

  5. The valleys in Wales for sure, been so many freeparties where staring out across the fields as the sun comes up feels like you’re in a fantasy film.

  6. Bits of the star wars sequels were filmed on Windermere so you’re not far off with the lake district.

  7. The Isle of Man (in but not of the uk or is it of but not in the uk, can’t remember) it looks as if a hobbit or a dinosaur could come walking into view at any moment.

  8. Lake District deserves a second mention. I went walking there around a month ago and it felt like being in Middle Earth.

    On the other side of the coin, I went into Oldham in January and it looked like Fallout.

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