Tl;dr my (35m) ex (29f) cooked for her friend even after I asked her to cook more for me and I felt like an after thought. Was I wrong to get mad at her?

One thing that bothers me about my (35M) past relationship my ex (29F) cooking for her female friend. I had mentioned how I wish she’d cook more and one day she mentioned how she was going to cook for her friend who’s house got destroyed in a fire and said she’d make me some food too. I got upset because it felt like she was cooking for them first and I was just an after thought. Am I wrong for being upset at her?

  1. You are wrong. Your friend lost her house. You were mad cause no one wants to cook for you? Seems like your ex was prioritizing her friends needs over yours, and rightfully so cause SHE LOST HER HOUSE IN A FIRE. Grow up and make chicken nuggies if you’re so hungry.

  2. Yes you are wrong. Her friend is homeless right now. It’s okay that sometimes she thinks about people in devastating situations before she thinks of you. You’re fine. Your house is fine. When she gives you the food just say thank you and do not mention it upsetting you at all. Also you aren’t her child. She does not have to cook for you unless she wants to.

  3. Are you joking? So glad she’s your ex, she deserves much better. Her friend lost her fucking home, she was being a good friend by cooking her meals because. Shocker. You can’t cook for yourself when your kitchen is ashes. Wow. The level of self-absorption here is insane. Your ex was never obligated to cook for you. Cook for yourself, grow the fuck up.

  4. So her friend had a house fire and she was cooking food to comfort her. And you’re upset that it wasn’t about you? Cook your own food dude.

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