Why does it seem like 90% of what’s posted in this sub is thinly veiled Men vs Women gender war bullshit?

  1. >90% of what’s posted in this sub is

    … the same 10 questions asked over and over again

  2. You must be new to reddit. All the gender specific subs have some level of that.

    I don’t think its actually 90% on here though.

  3. There are a lot of frustrated men on the internet without proper resources or education to guide them on how to deal with their emotions. Or interact with other human beings in a considerate or compassionate way. Many of them end up in this subreddit.

  4. It’s a bunch of women and very young men (or just gay dudes) all thinking they’re asking an insightful and unique question. It’s literally the “I’m not like other girls” version of a subreddit.

  5. The push by the post modernist community to turn everything into a “this group vs that group” and “oppressors vs oppressed” and “this race vs that race” and “this sexuality vs that sexuality” and “less suffering vs more suffering.”

    Basically transitioning people from individuals, innocent until proven guilty, to groups of people, guilty of collective crimes.

  6. Because it’s Reddit and there’s plenty of men who’d rather BS than do something about their issues

  7. I mean unless you start giving examples with links for us to see what you mean this is nothing more than you bullshitting people.

    Men vs women gender WAR is also an incredibly sugestive title that probably exaggerates everything.

    I can see a guy calling out a double standard as wrong. And you calling that ‘ men vs women ‘.

  8. The subs name is “ask men”, it’s kinda slanted that way in the name tbh. But I see a lot more “I don’t know how to date” questions than gender war fluff.

  9. The internet is a reflection of society. You act like this is the only place this is happening or has ever happened

  10. Most of what I have seen has been introspective of the male psychi, deep questions about male insecurities and yes about women but usually advice.

    Everywhere one goes there will be sexism, rasicm…discrimination.

    Doesn’t paint a good picture to target and single out a specific subreddit- kind of ironic.

  11. It’s that or someone pretending like generalised advice is going to solve their very personal relationship issue.

  12. Same reason 90% of it is “MEN, HOW DO I WOMEN??” when hundreds of millions of gay and asexual/aromatic men exist. People are obsessed with their own issues.

  13. Because this sub consists of only 10 unique questions worded differently, and 9 of them are, in fact, weapons in a thinly veiled men vs women gender war.

  14. “Your mom” jokes arent gender war.

    At least your mom told me that last night.

  15. It isn’t. It’s the same 6 questions worded differently, and if it’s not about sex, it dies in new. Everyone likes to voice frustration at lack of variety in posts and then doesn’t engage in non sexual questions

  16. Maybe because men aren’t allowed to actually speak or vent anymore without being attacked and branded as whatever the newest catchphrase is. Yet men can be on the table as a gender in several blogs, vlogs and posts and we, as men are banned from responding to comments within them.
    We’re not actually the enemy.

  17. Because there’s 100% a gender war going on in the culture and thus in peoples minds. Just like there’s a low key race war going on

  18. Most questions are designed for maximum clout farming.
    It’s a really shallow sub lately.

  19. From one perspective maybe.

    I like to answer as if it is a genuine and honest inquiry.

    If i keep my shields up on an anonymous site how the fuck am I ever going to grow as a person?

  20. I think most of it is men asking men what they like in women and women asking men what women do that they like. I don’t see a lot of men vs women.

  21. I think a big reason is that women’s issues are actually seen as issues. There are definitely people out there who try to downplay women’s struggles but popular opinion is that those people are in the wrong. Men’s issues are usually dismissed or ignored. I think this is one of a handful of places where guys can talk about those things without being dismissed or judged. Since some of those issues inevitably end up involving women so it can feel like gender war bs.

  22. Agree, but appears IMO that it attempts to draw out sexual misogyny.

    Like really please no more sex questions.

  23. Because people like feeling sorry for themselves, and it’s a lot easier to blame your problems on another group of people than to take responsibility for your own life.

  24. Two reasons, first is that men’s issues are underrepresented in public discourse, so people who care about those issues want to talk about them in a space where they won’t get scoffed at.

    The other is just emotional venting from MRA types about perceived inequality between men and women.

    I think talking about men’s issues is important and this sub is a fine place to do it, so long as it doesn’t tread into misogynistic territory.

  25. I would be a little more precise and say that 90% *of what comes to you in trending or hot* is that thinly veiled bullshit or what I call “I wanna fight but looking like I’m the good one” types of post.

    I find a lot of meaningful posts and interactions in new. It may have 10 upvotes and 7 replies, but at least those are replies to genuine questions.

  26. I think it’s closer to like 65% but that’s only what makes it to my feed, thankfully. I avoid browsing the sub itself for exactly that reason. A lot of whining that almost drowns out the very legitimate MEA issues that some users articulately try to direct the conversations towards :/

  27. That’s not all that gets posted, but that’s what gets upvoted. There are a lot of small threads of people asking legit questions about self-esteem and the like that get zero traction or get removed for one rule or another. But the wildly popular ones are about sex or Men vs Women. I guess that’s what the sub wants

  28. I follow it just for that. I wanna see what all the bullshit is before I come across it somewhere else.

  29. Who has to gain from this conflict ? That’s the question you should be asking.

  30. Really? I thought it was just a series of “would you date a woman with highbody count/ a belly/ a male best friend/ a dick/ etc etc”

    Nobody ever asks what my favorite color is

  31. If I were doing men vs women gender war bullshit, this would be the obvious place to post it 🤷🏼‍♂️

  32. What would you prefer or suggest ? Because truth be told a lot of the questions men have and face on a daily is centered around the male vs female dynamics…

  33. It doesn’t seem that way to me and I’m a pretty big supporter of men’s rights. Maybe I’m not on here enough, which I see as a positive.

  34. It’s easier to feel sorry for yourself and blame a vaguely defined other than seek help. I can guarantee you most people here commenting about how rough men have it do buttfuck nothing to help other men, or even themselves.

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