Would you say that an average American would be able to name 3 songs by ABBA? What about The Rolling Stones? On average, of course, rock people or disco scene people will know perhaps 10+ songs. But what about average Americans?

  1. Dancing Queen, Waterloo, and Mamma Mia. Paint it black, Satisfaction, Sympathy for the Devil, Start me up, and Gimme Shelter. Those are all the songs I can name from those two

    I’m early 30s

  2. The rolling stones, probably most people over 30 could. ABBA would be a little less likely

  3. I’ve made the Mamma Mia movies a main part of my personality, so yes

    Never been a Rolling Stones fan, so personally, not really

  4. Depending a bit on age absolutely. And at 42 I’m well too young to have been “there” for either band’s prime so I’m sure there are people younger than I am still listening too.

  5. ABBA is having a massive renaissance on TikTok. I think more young Americans than you’d think can name a couple songs. (and of course us olds are familiar)

    edit to add: this video has 22 million views. https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRLYS7Nn/?k=1 after a sped up version of this song was used in a trend where people were posting things they’re nostalgic about.

    second edit (sorry I love these): https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRLYb639/?k=1 – this part of Chiquitita went TikTok viral & this ABBA TikTok also has over 22 million views.

  6. Rolling Stones absolutely. I’m 41 and love their stuff.

    ABBA I could probably name three, but I can’t say I’m a fan.

  7. I can name one Abba song off the top of my head – Dancing Queen.

    About 20 – 30 stones songs off of the top my head

  8. I don’t know what ABBA is but I know the Rolling Stones. I’m 18 but the majority of my music library is made up of that late 60s to late 70s rock.

  9. Yes. Songs like Mamma Mia, Dancing Queen, Waterloo, Paint it Black, Satisfaction, and Gimme Shelter have been playing on the radio longer than I’ve been alive. ABBA has an entire musical, Mamma Mia, which was so popular they made a sequel. Basically everyone has been a dancing queen, young and sweet, only seventeen.

  10. For generations old enough to remember them, absolutely. For many members of younger generations, also absolutely. The Rolling Stones are one of the most successful and popular bands of all time and they have a giant following in the US.

    I’ll do three of each off the top of my head right now: Dancing Queen, Waterloo, Fernando for ABBA. Get Off My Cloud, Angie, and Start Me Up. I am sure I could name another 100 Stones songs if I set out to do so.

  11. I think a lot of people would immediately recognize the songs by either of those bands even if they can’t name them.

    And just as an FYI, asking random people to name 3 songs is a terrible way to start a conversation.

  12. I suspect more can name Rolling Stones but both would be pretty common for people to be able to do it.

  13. Dancing Queen, Waterloo, Take A Chance On Me.

    Paint It Black, Jumpin’ Jack Flash, Satisfaction.

  14. Probably. Between middle aged moms who thought mamma Mia was amazing and middle aged dads, and/or kids who think they’re unique in saying that music peaked in 1970 I’d say both legacies are safe and sound. Also Mamma Mia was the shit lol

  15. The Rolling Stones were my Mom’s favorite so I’m good on them but I only know one ABBA song.

  16. Abba: Hmm. I would recognize lots of songs but don’t know any names.

    Rolling Stones? I could probably name 15 songs.

  17. Idk about ABBA but I think a few can name at least 1 Stones song. At least I hope

  18. Mothers Little Helper. Paint It Black has been used in video games. Sympathy For the Devil has been in movie soundtracks.

  19. I’m in my 30s and can name and sing a handful of Rolling Stones songs. I regularly listen to Paint It Black, which I consider one of the best rock songs ever.

    Couldn’t name a single Abba song though. I’m sure I’ve heard them. Just never really paid them much attention. Or disco in general.

  20. TikTok/IG reels have made abba have a bit of a resurgence. I’ve heard “man after midnight” “chiquitita”, and “angeleyes” a lot on there

  21. I just turned 21, but I’m relatively new to listening to music actively. Only really started seeking out my own taste in music at 18.

    ABBA- Angeleyes, Mamma-Mia, Dancing Queen

    Stones – Only Paint or Black

    I would say most of my generation couldn’t to be honest, but our parents could.

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