Hypothetically if you had a girlfriend who stopped shaving her armpits, what would be your honest response?

  1. Nice đź‘Ť. Whatever makes em feel FREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEER is better IMO

    i date lots of hippie chicks so usually the pits are already hairy tho

  2. I don’t mind pubic hair, but I cannot do arm pit hair, just can’t, some peach fuzz is whatever but full cavewomen, definitely not…

    I would love her all the same but I don’t think we’d be having sex as frequently, the shit would kill my arousal by at least 80 percent.

    I’d tell her how I felt about it, and how she responds is how she responds, can’t force her to do anything, it is what it is – we might both end up sexually frustrated but welp, what can ya do

  3. Long term relationship that’s serious/marriage I’d be honest and tell her I hate it and ask if she’d mind shaving again. If she said no I guess I’d just deal with it. Kinda like for me, I kinda like my beard a few inches long but my wife really likes it trimmed to about 1/2”, so I do. Short term relationship/dating I’d probably leave because she’s not what I’m looking for physically which I think is important for a long term relationship.

  4. “Oh, ok”. What I told my last ex when she told me she wouldn’t be shaving them anymore. I never noticed she was shaving them in the first place and it never bothered me in all the time she had stopped shaving them.

  5. Ok, my wife gets lazy sometimes and let’s it grow out some. Shaved looks ok, but I honestly wouldn’t mind if she just trimmed instead of shaved. I trim mine.

  6. Are you licking her armpits or something I mean tbh it wouldn’t bother me.

  7. I don’t care, it’s just hair. I have some all over my body and she can’t have some under her arms? No. That’s just hypocritical.

  8. “Finally! Good on ya!”

    But I am not every man. I would not be surprised if others react really badly, including breaking up. Another thing… Though I will happily support her decision to go unshaven, she should NOT expect me to lie that she’s as beautiful as ever. Unshaved underarms and legs will remove 1-2 points on the beauty scale. And no, I can’t just switch my thinking. Shaved women was a Pandora’s Box. It’s been open all my life and it’s not gonna close. I’ll support unshaved women to my dying breath, but don’t expect me to lie.

  9. I see it as feminine to be no hair on the armpits.

    Every time I’ve seen a woman with armpit hair it kinda freaks me out.

    If others don’t care, then that is on them. But I prefer no hair.

  10. I’m a woman and I don’t shave for myself, even in the summer when swimming, however I have shaved in relationships and would definitely shave if he preferred it, just like I’d hope he’d honor my preferences, assuming they are reasonable. It’s really not a huge inconvenience to shave, I just have no reason to shave right now and I’m lazy.

  11. I’d let her know I find it unattractive but that’s about it

  12. A man once told me that it should be illegal for women to have any body hair because he finds it unattractive. I asked him why the look of a prepubescent woman is the most attractive to him but he had no answers. Unfortunately, he didn’t realize how unattractive he appeared at that moment… Not that he was good looking but sadly he was also not respected after.

  13. Um not even hypothetically here but if my gf didn’t want to shave anything that’s her choice. It’s time consuming and to feel the need to do it for someone in fear of them not liking you or some shit bc of it is awful like who cares lol.

  14. Dunno. Whatever makes a gal good with her bod so theres no need for power appeasement games sounds good. Not fucking her armpit, you know?

  15. My wife has physical disabilities that make it hard for her to shave her pits and legs, so I do it for her.
    But we’ve discussed it many times. I don’t freaking care, I didn’t marry her for her hairless pits and silky smooth legs. But she likes it, says it makes her feel cleaner and more feminine so I do it to make her happy. I really DGAF though.

  16. That would depend on how hairy she was.

    Low body hair? I would care little if at all…it might be neat actually.

    Harrier than me? might be a bit annoying but I think I would still stop caring pretty quickly.

    Women have body hair, they always have, and nobody has ever cared too much. Also I value my hair for practical reasons so it is not like I could even complain.

  17. “As long as you don’t stop showering I don’t care.”

    A hot woman is a hot woman. Hair or no hair.

  18. I’d love it. I’d be happy she doesn’t feel the need to follow societal norms and is expressing body-autonomy.

  19. Hmm don’t care 🤷‍♂️ I don’t cut mine down very often. I think I can live with her armpit hair just fine.

  20. Why did your even ask this question if you’re just gonna throw a fit in the responses? People have preferences. I’m sure you do too. Grow up, move on, and find someone who’s preferences you fit into. It’s ridiculous to pose a question long for honest answers and then get offended when people are honest.

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