I just need more perspectives but apologies if this isn’t the place.

Drinking and sexual encounter described within.

This weekend, while sober, I posted an ad for a guy to come over and do stuff with me while hoping to see if my sexual fantasies were correct or if I was straight. Between posting and coming home, I went to a party and got so blackout drunk I vomited all over my clothes and don’t even remember coming home in the Uber or if I said bye to anyone. That said, once I was home I was functional enough to say to the guy that came over to come over, whereas I told another guy I wasn’t drunk enough to give consent. When I drink I’m still pretty sound of mind, but my head was racing and spinning when he came. The guy did pretty much what I asked him to, aside from trying to put fingers in me, but stopped when I told him to I think. We didn’t have sex or kiss, since I told him not to, but it still feels dirty. During the whole thing I knew it wasn’t for me, and wished it never happened. Since then I’ve only felt worse. I can’t really blame him since I invited the whole thing, but I regret it so much and can barely eat, have been using the bathroom nonstop, and feel incredibly low. I posted and asked for it, and at no point did I tell him to stop or convey I wasn’t sound of mind, so I think it feels like an assault to me, but isn’t. After the fact I still was able to make sure my anonymity was protected, the guy got back, I asked about STI’s, but I think If I was sober I would have not let him come over. I’m not sure if it’s SA, so my apologies for posting, but I needed to get it out there. Thank you.

  1. A smarter guy would have read the room better and just left after seeing how drunk you are. These situations get men arrested and its very dangerous for both parties. Don’t fuck really really drunk girls is a good rule to live by.

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