I’m in my early 20’s, have a stressful job which is in the field that I went to college for so I’m in it for the long run.

I find I’ve been struggling with anxiety lots over the past several months so I’m curious on how to handle it. I sometimes go for runs when I find it’s getting bad but other than that I just sit in my house & let it eat me up inside. Any tips would be appreciated!

  1. Regarding the job; talk to colleagues if you trust them enough!

    Running and cycling works for me to clear my head as well.

  2. Find less decisions to make. Its why some business people have multiple suits of the same color, or dark blue/dark grey so all the ties and accessories always match. Eat the same food every week, have instacart or dash deliver the groceries to save you time.

    I’ll fast during the work week so I have more time and less stress. Just miso soup and electrolytes. Clean kitchen and cabinets.

    Take the time to schedule all your bills. My car payment and mortgage get programmed 1st of the year.

  3. Learn to embrace the phrase ” not my fucking problem”

    In stressful work environments sometimes the issue is that you try to please to many people at once, by doing things that aren’t necessarily YOUR problem.

    Worry about your immediate tasks, and learn to let go of the rest, sometimes all you can do is shrug, and say ” that sucks!”

    It’s helped me in my trade.

  4. I was constantly trying to put myself in a possition where i had no choice but to face my anxiety head on. It got better over time.

  5. Put in 1 or 2 years at your current job and then gtfo. No work is worth mental anguish

  6. Food, which is why I’m obese. Trying to find new coping mechanisms, things I’m hoping to look at include: medication, therapy, & walks

  7. I don’t, there’s no point. It’s not curable, it doesn’t go away. Luckily no one cares, so you don’t have to talk about it.

  8. I also have anxiety and running sometimes makes me think more about it, specially if I go running alone. If I go with friends, it´s the complete opposite.

    If you don’t like going out with friends, I would advise reading books. A really long book with 500+ pages. Reading for me really interrupts my thoughts and makes me imagine the story, the characters, the whole environment and after 15 minutes, I am ok to do my day-to-day tasks without overthinking about other stuff

  9. Grow up…”anxiety ” is a crutch your generation leans on to avoid responsibility. Heres a tip, never in your life with there not be stress, if there isnt any, that means someone else is carrying you.

  10. Whenever I’m bothered by anything I try to remember that I’ve probably got it better than the majority of the other humans out there.

  11. Idk about anxiety, but when I don’t feel that well, some ways I cope include:
    Talking to friends,
    Being productive to make myself feel like I’m doing something worthwhile,
    Age regression (basically regressing in mental age a couple of years (strictly nonsexual)

    Edit: punctuation

  12. At the end of the day you can only do what you can. If the job is asking too much figure out what is important and tell your boss I am going to do a b and c and I don’t have time to do d, e or f because I don’t have time.

    Or just stop worrying about it so much. You will fail. Learn from it. Chill out.

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