I’m pretty lonely. Live away from home. Extremely introverted. Not attractive. However I do have good qualities. My friends who are in my inner circle say that I’m one of the most funniest people they ever met. I’m hardworking and go to a pretty prestigious college. I tend to be very caring of my close ones. I’m generous.

I just don’t understand why any girl isn’t interested in me. I’ve approached a few that I liked, tried talking to a few, but none of them seem to be interested in even being my friend. Only guys who don’t get girlfriends tend to hang out with me, and they also stop doing that once they meet someone. I’ve tried a lot to meet new women outside school as well, but without any success. It’s not even that I’m desperate to have sex. I see couples in love walking on the street and sometimes really wish that I had someone to hold hands with or cuddle with or talk to.

\-I was in a bar the other day and went up to a girl and said, “I saw you sitting there and just had to tell you that you are very pretty.” She very uninterestingly said, “thank you. You’re looking nice as well.” Then I said, “thank you, what’s your name?”. She said,” I don’t know, tell me yours” and at this point her friend was giving me weird looks, so I politely back out, as I didn’t want them to feel uncomfortable because of me.

\-I talked to a girl on a dating app where matches expire at midnight. We talked a lot and she seemed very interested, but ghosted me when I asked her, around 8pm, if she wanted to talk outside the app, like on another platform, or perhaps meet for coffee sometime.

\- I rarely ever match with women on dating apps, and when I rarely do they don’t either reply to me or ghost me after a couple of messages. I’m pretty sure one of the app’s algorithms thinks I’m a bot or spam profile based on the type of profiles I get in my recommendations. Prolly cuz of the extremely low number of likes I get.

\-I spent half an academic year (in my limited free time ofc) trying to be with this “friend” of mine who would only contact me when she wanted to do work. However, I fell in love with her. She was so perfect in every way. So kind and caring (at least in the preamble before we started work). So beautiful. I literally had trouble looking into her eyes as I spoke to her. But then I found out that she has a secret boyfriend (it’s a long story why its secret). It was one of my biggest heartbreaks and took a long time to get over that.

\-I only ever got one girl’s number, but she never replied. I got it a week before finals and didn’t wanna bother her then. When I texted her after finals, she never replied.

\-I’m in the uk for the summer, and went to a few pubs, but never understood how to properly approach women( and once had that weird incident mentioned above). I really wish I was one of those guys who women just approached by themselves.

Sorry guys but I just had to vent. I’m really frustrated and wish dating was one of those things you could actively pursue by strategising and get results but alas. For now I’ll have to go to sleep imagining that one of my crushes is hugging me and I’m hugging her. Off we go to bed Katherine. 🙁

TLDR: I’m can’t find someone to hug me and am depressed.

  1. The sad reality is, a lot of men just aren’t immediately attractive to a lot of women. You’ll find someone eventually tho.

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