For me it is every time I see somebody write “WFH”. My little old brain, who is just getting used to these acronyms, reads it as “WTF” every single time and I spend a few seconds trying to work out the context.

(Disclaimer: I’m not even that old, just getting there.)

  1. I can’t just sit on anything anymore. Hard seats, low seats, sitting too long in one position – all give me sciatic pain. Ooooo me back

  2. Coming to the conclusion that a pair of Crocs are my best option and actually going and buying a pair with no regrets r/fuckimold

  3. When I see it’s raining now I don’t think “fuck sake it’s raining”, I think “that’ll be good for the grass…”

  4. The fact younger people use snapchat to communicate with each other. I don’t get it, don’t the messages disappear?

  5. Going to table quizzes where some of the answers should be obvious but aren’t to younger people. Not being down on younger people; some things just aren’t relevant or interesting to them and sometimes that’s not a bad thing.

  6. Noises.

    I sit down, noise. An involuntary sigh or similar. I stand up, more noise. An intake of breath. I walk there’s clicking, cracking and creaking.

    I’m like a rubbish one man band.

    Odd hair in odd places! Ears check, shoulders check, eye brows double check. Trimmers and tweezers are my most used tools!

  7. That Scott Mills is now not cool enough for Radio 1 and that I did shots with him in the early 00s.

  8. I’m 29 and I noticed a grey hair yesterday, then found about four more 😑

  9. Realising that your closer in age to the parents of some of the people at work rather than the age of some of the people at work.

  10. Seeing fashions trends (socks and sandals, Dad trainers, bum bags, fleeces) and knowing if I wore them it wouldn’t look stylish or like I was being ironic. I’d just look a bit shit.

  11. For me, it was when I realised I’d been to Edinburgh Woollen Mill followed by a cup of tea at a garden centre. Willingly.

  12. Eye rolling at conversations I see on Twitter and Tik Tok and thinking young people just want to make a drama out of every human interaction.

  13. When I say all new music is awful and sounds the same.

    And I wonder how young girls aren’t freezing on a night out without a coat!

  14. When I look around at packs of teenagers and think their haircuts are all stupid and their music is all noise.

    I remember being that kid and thinking that’s what all “miserable old fuckers” must think of us, and how that would never be me

  15. Seeing snow isn’t a source of excitement, it just makes me think it’ll make my commute a challenge.

  16. Considered getting rid of the sofa, buying a new one and specifically buying myself a stand alone chair with a footstool. Like all the old people have

    …. Jesus christ I’m 37 in a few months not 67

  17. My most exciting recent purchase was a sprinkler for the garden.

    Got a Hozelock one too like the fancy boy that I am.

  18. Adults born passed the year 2000.

    Seriously, what the hell. People born in the year 2000 aren’t just 18 either. They are early 20s.

    And its getting worse. Give it a few years and they will be 30.


    How can you be that old yet be born after the millennium?

    This time space continuum malarkey is total shit.

  19. Scrolling further and further down to find your year of birth when confirming your age. Absolute killer

  20. Walking through Marks & Sparks & thinking “that’s a nice pair of trousers”

    Realising BBC R2 is really quite good.

    Finding a very specific stick and putting it in the shed because you know it’ll be perfect for stirring paint.

  21. when someone bangs on about this great new remix and you realise its a remix of a 2000s release of a 1990s remix using a sample of an 80s vocal that you have the original on cassette..probably on NOW THATS WHAT I CALL MUSIC 1 🙂

  22. When I start relating more to the parents in movies rather than the protagonists.

  23. * Having the impression that very big Hollywood release seems to have either Dwayne Johnson or Ryan Reynolds as the lead these days. This is broken up with the occasional Tom Cruise film or comic book film with an ensemble cast featuring British actors doing American accents. I’m wondered who the next generation of big Hollywood actors are coming up and I can’t spot any of them on the horizon.
    * Watching a Disney+ show with my kids where the child characters find a time warp back 30 years and they don’t travel back to the 60s but instead it’s the 90s.
    * Reading Steam reviews for “remastered” or “rereleased” games where someone says “This game was my childhood!” and the game was released in 2009.
    * Saying a catch phrase from a classic comedy that no one in the room gets because that show last had a Christmas Special in 2003.

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