if the Zombie Apocalypse begins what’s your plan?

  1. In a major city in America. The murder rate would go up for half a day and it’ll be over before dinner.

  2. I live in the Canadian Rockies and will simply watch the fun on tv for a few weeks. It’s unlikely it will reach me for months.

  3. I would find a group of strong men and break into a history museum to get weapons.
    If we are talking slow and dumb zombies (“The Walking Dead” kind), I believe a good old shield wall is by far the best way to fight of a horde.

  4. Easy, trek out on my own and leave the world to their own devices and comeback after everyone’s dead

  5. I’ve got 10 million rounds, and a scope. MREs, first aid kits, and potable water. I’ll probably survive the first 24 hours!!! SMH

  6. Fill bathtub and as many buckets as I can with water, charge everything I can while I can, sneak the car charge out of the trunk and holed up in the house as long as I can and make strategic supply trips to the shopping center, which is 0.2 miles away.

    The first week is gonna be a confusing bloodbath where everyone’s doing a mix of scavenging and trying to escape. Hoping that they didn’t somehow fuck up and I still have gas, I’ll try to get to my local base which is about nine miles out.

  7. problem with zombies is in reality rotten flesh is going to be eaten by bugs and other stuff that likes to scavenge. It probably wouldn’t last more than a few hot summer days, and in the winter they would freeze.

    I suspect we had more issues from Covid than a zombie apocalypse.

  8. Not hang out with the people on The Walking Dead. Those people were complete idiots and made horrid decisions.

  9. I would 100% just kill myself in that situation. I can’t handle that shit.

  10. My plan is to calmly and rationally continue to explain that “zombie virus” zombies are physiologically and physically impossible until I get eaten.

  11. For as many hours as I work, I think I may be a zombie anyway, so I’d probably just keep coming to work. Plus, I’m dead inside anyway, so what would I miss?

  12. Just walk outside and join the zombie herd, I don’t want to be roughing it for the rest of my time…….although all the walking zombies do isn’t really my thing either…..

  13. Die as my clinical narcissism will lead me out on the streets amid the first days of breakdown and looting. Probably not even from a bite but going into fights with my odds of survival being extremely low in the situation for little reward.

  14. Take out all of the spicy pillows I have saved up and make a minefield.

  15. The Tower Of London. The only staircase is fifteen high up and made of wood. You burn it down then shut the only door. Then I go on the roof with a bow and enjoy myself.

    The Normans knew what they were doing…

  16. In real life a zombie apocalypse would be over in mere weeks, particularly in the US. The amount of weapons and ammunition that is possessed by people(myself included) is astounding. They would probably be dispatched rather quickly.

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