I grew up in a very traditional Filipino household … Premarital sex is a sin but I’ve always been so curious. I started touching myself at 7 or 8. When my first boyfriend and I broke up, I moved away from home to “find myself”. I had one night stands almost every week and that’s when I realized that I like some fucked up things … I like rape play, age play and race play.

Is this … normal?

  1. Normal is relative. I also have rape play fantasies. Some people just built different, and that’s okay

  2. When repressed all your life, yea. It happens allot more than people think. The most important thing here is to be safe.

  3. So people have those interests even when they grow up in a stable, loving environment. Fetishes aren’t a byproduct of trauma.

  4. It’s pretty normal as long as you exercise caution when indulging in them. Fetishes are actually a pretty fun thing to have, so enjoy them.

  5. My wife who’s filipino shared the same thing to me I’m really sorry that you had to repress yourself but here’s your chance to get to know your body in a healthy manner once you know yourself you will be much happier. I don’t believe in repression at all it’s not good.

  6. As always the answer to your question lies in how you define what normal means.

    Is is common overall? I’d say in my experience it’s quite uncommon, but it’s possible that for people with similar experiences as yours it’s more common.

    Is it negative or bad? I’d say absolutely not, as long as the “play” remains and you are being safe and having fun then by all means go for it.

    I like some fucked up things as well but it’s all just fantasy and that’s why it’s fun, plus I always had a wild imagination.

  7. I’ve been told that, the more repressed you are sexually growing up (strict upbringing), the more likely to be adventuresome whenever you start sexing.

    I say that as a man who’s also had a very strict, religious upbringing. I’m into some kinky sh!t myself, even tho I’m still a virgin.

    Funny thing is, I’m actually about to get engaged to a petite, 4’10” Filipino girl myself, also a virgin, raised in a fiercely religious household.

    Apparently, the above theory checks out, at least with her. We haven’t had sex or anything, but it all started when she began flirting with me, but I never reciprocated out of fear & nervousnes, also I worried that my being a 6’5″ black guy might make her parents freak out if they knew their daughter wanted to f@ck me.

    Well, turns out, they were not only ok with it, but they even set us up. Rather than stopping it, they decided to regulate it, which was smart on their end; hope your parents weren’t too oppressive growing up. If I may guess, are they Christian?

    Personally, seeing this innocent girl, super religious, naked, covered in my cum, doing & saying the dirtiest, filthiest sh!t during sex, is going to be the **hottest. Thing. Ever.**

    Thx for this post, & for reminding me of what I have to look forward to! 😉

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