Ok context time: we were at a family gathering and
(he’s an avid zen smoker) his dad and my dad reached for a cigarette and he was almost biting his lips because he had to contain himself (he doesn’t smoke in front of family). I went all “are You really THAT tempted to have one?”. He laughed and went “it is what it is”. At that point I really just wanted to know. So l asked him. “What’re You most tempted by, women or cigarettes” and he said “both equally”. And that’s bugging me. So more context, he has oogly eyes for when we are in public and if there are attractive women. This has been an issue all along and we’ve spoken about this, but that’s a story for another (already
existing) r/query. He said he was tempted by women as much as cigarettes and I know how difficult it is to give up on cigarettes. Should I be worried? I mean I don’t want to ask him about this either because I feel like he was give me the most vague answer which isn’t true. And how do I know it’s not true? It’s a hunch, truly it’s a like a gut instinct, I know when he’s lying. Sigh. How can I deal w this. I’ve always wondered if he could be easily swayed by any woman and I feel like he can be.

So basically: he has wandering eyes and literally said “I’m tempted by women”, does that make him a low-key perv?

1 comment
  1. You’re insecure af. If you think he’s being unfaithful break up but don’t allow your insecurities poison your relationship. Sounds like he has a sense of humor to quip back like that. Looking at women in public is not being a pervert.

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