We have been together for 3 years. Our relationship is strong and stable, we are both very much in love with each other, but we don’t do the deed regularly. I actually don’t know when the last time was, but I think it has only been once or twice this year.

I feel so guilty because I know that he has a much higher sex drive than me and he is so kind and gentle about asking if I feel like it, but I never do. I still think he is so ridiculously handsome, but in the past couple of years he has sort of let his hair and beard go a bit wild. I’m not sure if that has affected my attraction to him. I have gently pushed for a haircut at times but that’s as far as I’ll go with asking him to change his appearance.

I don’t know whether it is that I’m not attracted to him (sexually) anymore or if it’s because my health problems (new IBS diagnosis & chronic fatigue) have killed my libido, but it’s probably a mix of the two. I still masturbate occasionally and I do get horny, but I just don’t want to screw. I don’t know if circumstances would be different if it was someone else, I just can’t tell. I really don’t know why and I feel so horrible saying this but sometimes the thought of having sex with him makes me recoil a tiny bit.

I don’t know what I am supposed to do here. We live together and like I said, we do really love each other. He has been so good about it but I know that it is so unfair that I’m doing this to him. He seems to still be happy in the relationship, and has even said that he loves me so much that it doesn’t matter to him. Still, I feel like I need to be doing something about this but I really just don’t know what.

TL;DR: bf and I in love but I have no sex drive 🙁

  1. Are you regularly sexualy attracted to other men, or do you have low libido, you also might be asexual.. Al’s o I think you should have a conversation with him cause communication is important

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