I (F25) think I’ve been deceived by future boyfriend (M26)….things are getting serious and I don’t know what to do…

I (F25) have been dating M26 for almost 2 months. It’s been unreal so far. We met id med school, and with the semester being over we’ve spent our free time going on dates (3 very romantic dates thus far) and facetimes and daily texting.

After date 2 he asked me if I’m using the dating app that we both had, and I truthfully said that I had lots of connections on there but I’m not seeing anyone, due to my extremely busy schedule. He said that he also isn’t seeing anyone, but largely due to meeting me. Date 3 was also great, we’ve continued to get close, and it was a very memorable date at a very memorable location. He’s indicated that he wants to make things official, however he’s very family oriented (I met his siblings in passing by coincidence on date 1, and through facetime), and wants me to meet the family before making it official. Parents are so excited to meet me and I’ve been formally invited over for dinner.

This morning I noticed that who I believed to be a female friend of his reposted his art work on IG which is great, and he reposted it, so I clicked on her profile. I clicked her profile and saw that she had almost the exact same picture of what appears to be the date that I went on with M26 on date 3. Down to the ambiance, candle on the table, table cloth, however different menu. What sealed the deal was the card game that he brought for us to play and get to know each other, was smack dab in the middle of her picture, which he liked.

I’m very confused. I remember him mentioning that he had matched with a girl before we started dating, but they’re just friends and keep in touch because they’re both artists. I think it could be her, however it wouldn’t make sense because that picture was posted in between our 2nd and 3rd date, and the caption insinuated that this was recent.

It’s completely okay to date around, but I’m concerned because he told me that he wasn’t, and just a few days ago we both had said that we aren’t and haven’t been dating anyone else. I’m so confused. I don’t know how to go about asking without seeming crazy, we have a date very soon, and dinner with his family is quickly approaching. I really like him, he checks off all of my boxes, but I don’t know what to make of this. I really don’t know what to do.

I want to be clear that I think dating around is fine, but what bothers me is the fact that he voluntarily told me he wasn’t, but he may have lied.

What’s also weird is that this girl seems to be friends with his ex who he does not like (she cheated). I happen to know the ex because we went to high school together but we’re not friends. I know him and the ex have many friends in common. Thought i would add context.

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