So my husband and I have been working super crazy hours while taking care of out 2 toddlers. We’re both sleep deprived and trying our best. I asked him to do a grocery run for me which isn’t something out of the ordinary. And this sweet man thought he needed to pay for each individual green onion. Instead of calling me he checked with a clerk to make sure he didn’t have to pay $20 for a bunch. When he came home and told me I almost peed myself from laughing so hard.

  1. Oof. My wife will never let me forget the time I was sent to the store for a zucchini and came back with a cucumber…twice. Sleep deprivation is brutal.

  2. I just love that he thought “a bunch of green onions- $20. This seems reasonable”

  3. When we moved to a new city I had never been to a Kroger before and my eyes lit up like WTF when we checked out before she scanned her “Kroger Card” and the total dropped like 60 bucks. She laughs every time she tells that story. Bout gave me a heart attack

  4. I remember once my wife called me while I ran to grocery store to get ingredients for a cake for our sons birthday. To Remind me to not forget a package of blow up balloons.

    Some reason I brought home a box of condoms instead. 🤷

  5. My wife and I were at a nearby gas station one day and she noticed all the Kirkland brand stuff on the shelves for sale, which is Costco’s house brand. And we had a short exchange about it:

    Her: Wow they have Kirkland stuff but it’s a lot more expensive than at Costco

    Me: They buy it at Costco in bulk and then sell it here for a nice markup.

    Her: Is that legal?

    Me: ….

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