Do you count calories? Stay mindful of certain foods/macros? Do you just eat intuitively whatever whenever?

  1. I go through phases of eating whatever then I see my weight going up and I’m like oh fuck and start using cronometer again.

  2. Whole 30 / Paleo (elimination dieting) helped me learn what foods make me feel good and bad, and which ones made me gain fat or lose it. Calorie counting is the dieting plan of the last century.

  3. I counted calories to slim down when I gained weight after getting out of the military years ago. Since losing the weight though I just eat stuff that is mostly healthy and eat usually smaller portions of stuff that’s not very healthy.

  4. Intuitive. Try to avoid too much grease because it’s hell on my stomach.

  5. I try to count calories, forget about it, eat what I want, and then vow the next day to never forget to count calories again. Rinse, repeat. Ah yes, I’m fat.

  6. I meal prep 5-10 servings of a dish that I know the calorie estimate of, and eat that until I run out. Don’t really snack, but I can generally estimate when I have room in my daily calorie allotment, and look at the calories for the snack serving size.

  7. I fast 75 to 120 hours a week, eat at will on the days I eat, with an eye to having a lot of protein

  8. I try to keep a vague estimate of calories in mind every day, but it doesn’t work that well. It’s mostly because of beer, though. Other than that, I just eat what I want when I’m hungry. I’m vegan and try to buy reasonably healthy groceries, so “what I want” generally isn’t anything completely ridiculous. Still gaining weight though.

  9. I roughly count calories, eat as much fresh fruit and veg as possible, and don’t have anything in my house that isn’t helping me get to my weight loss goal.

    Here’s bit of what I have right now:

    * brown rice
    * quinoa
    * gold potatoes
    * yams
    * onions
    * canned black beans (for no prep eating)
    * dried beans (for planning ahead)
    * cucumbers
    * carrots
    * radishes
    * hummus
    * tofu
    * oat milk
    * eggs
    * string cheese
    * chicken breast
    * frozen veg (broccoli and cauliflower and brussels sprouts mostly)
    * frozen Indian meals from Trader Joes (lazy/no time meals)
    * lots of different spices and seasonings
    * olive oil
    * whole wheat flour (baking my own bread once every couple of months)


    Cook at home as much as you possibly can. Avoid pre-made meals 90% of the time. Cook with olive oil or clarified butter/ghee. Watch your sodium! Learn how to make soup/broth/stock–it will make a billion recipes easier and better. If you can, go vegetarian 5-6 days a week and have chicken/fish the other 1-2 days.


    If you do nothing else… look into other cultures and how they eat rice and beans (and tofu) because almost every culture has AMAZING recipes for rice and beans. You don’t need a rice cooker just a good steel pot with a good lid and a timer.

  10. I try to avoid processed foods, about 90% of what I eat is cooked from scratch no jars or packets, the exception being pasta because who has time to make pasta?

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