Someone please, I hope someone sees this who is wholesome and content and has mastered their emotions.

How do you get rid of the wanting of the toxic person who ruined your life? I am not in a relationship with this man anymore but I continue to be there for him. This man CHANGED me for the worse. I became a version of myself I am not familiar with, a version of myself that is so ugly, a version full of hatred and sinister thoughts. HOW do I come back from this. How do I escape his grasp.

  1. The one and only solution to avoid all this is just diversion of mind , you need to channelize your energy towards something more important, something more meaningful rather than thinking about past , you need to move forward, start working out to burn your energy , pay more attention towards work so that you can forget all this

  2. if you continue being there for him (not sure why?) you will be constantly reminded about this worse version of yourself. if you feel charitable find another good cause. it will be very difficult at first because he was a big part of your life. you need to cut him off for good. I’ve done it after two years of a very toxic relationship: I blocked this person on all social media/phone, stopped frequenting the places we used to go together, etc. it will be hard but you can do it. the healing can’t help as long as this person is present in your life. at least that is my opinion, not sure if it’s helpful. take care!

  3. Block and therapy. Toxic relationships can really fuck you up. Therapy was really helpful for me after my divorce to start to rebuild my self esteem and work through my emotions. In my case, we’d been married for 14 years (together for almost 18) and been having major problems almost the whole time. So by the time I walked out, I was DONE and didn’t have the struggle of separating from him. But a therapist can help you with that too. Blocking will help give you the distance to start to look at your relationship more objectively and help you move forward.

  4. If he hurt you, you are going to keep stalking his social media, and that’s okay. It’s natural to want to know what they’re doing because they hurt you, it’s your subconscious trying to protect you from them. Don’t confuse this for love or obsession, it’s how your mind is choosing to guard you.

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