All right got a question for y’all. I’m genuinely curious on what your thoughts are. I’ve been on two dates with this guy. I go on lots of dates, and rarely get excited about anyone. I’m pretty excited about him. I travel a lot for work (currently out of the country for that reason). He’s on vacation for 2 weeks with a friend of his and we won’t see each other again until after the 12th. After our second date he texted me every day, even wished me a safe trip when I left. However, as soon as he went on vacation it’s been radio silent. To add some more context we haven’t even kissed. Should I assume he’s no longer interested since I haven’t heard from him ? Or is it unrealistic to expect someone I’ve only seen twice would text while he’s on vacation ?
Ps. I’m not afraid of taking the initiative normally, but I’m not sure if it’s weird that I text someone I’ve seen twice while he’s on vacation, so I haven’t texted him either if you are wondering that.

  1. It’s not weird for you to text him on vacation. Is there some rule that no communication is allowed while someone is on vacation? Lol. I wouldn’t be texting very much since I’m on vacation and focused on that, but I’d be happy to hear from someone I liked even if it’s early on.

  2. You went on two dates, and he’s on vacation. It would actually be weird if he was texting you while on vacation. It’s perfectly normal to disconnect completely and relax while on vacation, that’s kind of the point. I wouldn’t worry about this at all, just wait for him to come back and see what happens afterwards.

  3. I definitely wouldn’t assume he’s not interested just yet and I also wouldn’t expect a lot of texting while he’s away. Whenever I’m on vacation, I sort of disconnect from my life at home temporarily.

    I’d give it another day or two for him to text and then if he hasn’t, then I’d say text him something light hearted or ask how the trip is going.

    Also, just remember that you’re still very much figuring out if you like him at this point! I totally get being excited about someone (I’m in a similar position as you), but I find it helps to have perspective sometimes… in reality, we don’t really know someone after a few dates and so don’t give him all the ‘power’ in making the decision of what happens next! (Not saying you are lol but I hope you know what I mean!)

  4. It’s only weird that you want to text him but instead are waiting for him to text you. 😝

  5. Holidays and vacations you have to be more lenient with communication with anybody you just started dating….. people get busy and I wouldn’t want to be on my phone all the time during a vacation.

  6. I’m glad you’re excited about someone, it is hard to find and a pleasant experience however long it lasts.

    I do think it’s unrealistic to expect someone you’ve been on 2 dates with to text you while they’re on vacation. Relax, give yourself some space, find something else to occupy your mind and body during that time. My previous vacations involved very little phone usage (it’s either in a drawer or the safe in the hotel room).

    I encourage you to find a way to get your mind off it until the person returns 🙂

  7. Let 2 days or so pass and ask him wha this favorite part of the vacation is so far or whatever

  8. It’s pretty early days so I wouldn’t read too much into it – only you’ll know what type of connection you guys have and whether it’s expected that he’ll message you or not so go with your gut.

    Play it cool and see how things go when he gets back… then you’ll know if he’s really interested or not 😉

  9. You are only one that knows the connection between you guys so if it is cool with you you can make it right but don’t push too much hard

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