I have been dating this girl since 4 months met her on insta since then we talked like friends shared our life’s careers we vibe to a great extent on many levels, I never met her irl but is it creepy or is it ok to date a girl with such age gap? I felt like she is a mature women and she thinks way clearer than me. I am looking for something long term here what should i do should i proceed ?

Ik it’s weird asking opinions out here but I’m confused.

FYI: I’m not a creepy head trying to lure her for my pleasures.

1 comment
  1. I have a few questions for you.

    1. what is creepy to you?
    2. Do YOU think it’s creepy to date a girl with that age gap?
    3. Would you think that your friend is creepy if he’s in your situation?
    4. Say if you and the girl have been dating for a year, and one random person on the internet think it’s creepy, Would you break it off?

    IMO, I don’t think it’s creepy if your intention is good. I also think you should meet her IRL (if you’re really interested in dating her) unless you are cool with just talking online.

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