This is kinda funny to me. So me (19m) woke up to like 5 emails from someone I never expected to hear from again. It was an ex (F18) from like a year ago wanting to talk for some random reason. So we talked and are now talking on snap but she now wants to meet up buuut the odd thing to me is that she wants a “sleepover” with just me and her in her car. Lemme say this real quick tho we broke up after like 4 months cause I felt she was a psychopath and she’d spam call 24/7 annd I’m not the kinda person that likes sitting on the phone talking unless I actually enjoy talking to you. We both weren’t in the best mental state at the time tho. She seems to be doing better and she said she missed me. She’s been extremely flirty and keeps bringing up wanting to do the sleepover and I’m honestly thinking about it tho since she says she wants to get to know me more or some shit but with the way we’ve talked it sounds like she wants more then just getting to know me lmao. I won’t lie tho I do flirt back and I find her just as attractive as I did before.
But yeah I need options on what I should do lol should i spend the night with her and see what happens or not? I tend to overthink situations like this or just get attached easily lmao but yeah if you need an update or more information just lmk

  1. You’re 19 and probably both idiots but go for it, you’ll never be young again. lol

  2. Not sure why you’re seeking a relationship with a psychopath, but some mistakes you only learn by doing.

  3. Not sure why you are looking past the giant red flag in your face. If you think she’s a psychopath but you’re prepared to do a sleepover in a car with her somewhere, you might need just as much help as she does.

  4. You can have a good time with psycho chicks, it never gets boring with them, you need to know when it’s time to run though.

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