guy and I are in our 30s. we had 4 dates over the course of a month, texted every single day but i think there was no physical attraction or chemistry – the dates felt very platonic, the second time we went out to eat, he eagerly accepted to split the lunch bill etc…

I mean the whole thing felt quite platonic, man had not made an single effort to make a move, aside from a couple of hugs. On the introverted side.

After date 4 (lunch), which was 2 weeks ago, he continued his usual… texted me a bunch after, and maybe i should have reciprocated but I kept my responses brief since I was sort of already losing interest in him.

Anyway, the NEXT day, he sends me a nice/honest text about how this isnt what he is looking for in a relationship and would prefer to be friends if that’s okay. To which I agreed completely and said that I would prefer to be friends also.

Again, I could not feel any hint of romance between us and maybe he felt the same? Yet every so often he continues to text me as if it was during the time when we were going out and would share things about his day… not that I am truly curious about his day or life at this point..

What is he trying to do haha..

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