Hey. I’m 25M and tbh I’ve always felt quite down on myself.

I work really really hard to do better. Push for a good career. Push hard every day in the gym. Things like that. But I’m a bit of a perfectionist and not in the good way.

There’s lots of girls who would date me but I find it hard to find one I like because I will instantly look for what’s wrong. If there isn’t anything wrong with them, i look at me and find reasons wrong with me and why she would end up going to another man. And it stops me from enjoying anything even if they like me. Then they leave coz of that.

I don’t know how to stop this. I’m really quite lonely. All my friends are in relationships. Thanks

Tl;dr finding it hard to find a gf coz of who I am

1 comment
  1. Therapy.

    For all the years you spend on this planet, there will be things that are wrong. People say the wrong thing sometimes, they have habits that annoy us, they draw our attention to things we don’t like about ourselves.

    If you can’t find a way to enjoy life alongside its irritations, you’re not gonna have a good time. Therapists are trained to help you undo these patterns and, if you’re able to access one, I’d give it a go. It’s no different than going to a gym or trainer to strengthen your physical body – sometimes, you need a pro to step in and help you understand how to do it the right way.

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