Do you think you will see the US fall in you’re lifetime, any predictions?

  1. Lol no. The only people saying the US will fall are surgically attached to their monitors and have never been outside.

  2. No, and for three reasons.

    First, I’m 56. So less time to fall. 😝

    Second, we’re a federated system of government, meaning that political power is diffuse in our country. This means it’s harder to “fall” if there are multiple components that need to fail rather than just one central governmental seat of power that needs to fail, in those countries where political power is centralized.

    Third, every single debate in our country going back to issues of slavery and states rights and civil rights and women’s rights and all the rest–all the debates that all looked like they would destroy our country–all essentially revolved around a single point of contention:

    What does “all men are created equal” actually mean, when the rubber hits the road?

    That is, all major political factions in our country fundamentally believe in:

    >We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed…

    That includes the very far left: the Marxists, the communists, those who would dismantle our government–and the very far right: the religious evangelicals and the like who believe that the United States was instituted as part of God’s plan to bring the second coming of Jesus Christ or whatever.

    When all parties to a revolution believe in the same underlying foundational principles, at some level, all parties to the revolution have at least some vested interest in preserving those institutions which protect these foundational ideals.

    And so the United States–a government designed to be forever in conflict with itself–will endure in some form.

    It is also why I have asserted that being an “American” is not “born in the USA” or even a legal status–but is, at some level, **faith.**

    That is, **faith** in our national creed, quoted above, and a heart-felt belief that all men and women are indeed created equal, and are endowed by their creator and by the nature of their creation with certain unalienable rights, including the right to life, to liberty and to their own individual pursuit of happiness–to their own agency and their own desire to cut their own path through the jungle of existence.

    Which is why I have always believed that there are Americans all around the world, those who earnestly subscribe to our creed, who have never set foot on American soil or have even contemplated American citizenship.

  3. No. A fall of government means a break down in the system. The US is far to large and diverse for something like that to logically happen which goes against natural thinking.

    If there’s a collapse, internal war, or what have you.. what happens to all those small towns and cities that need meds, food, clothing good, and other basic needs? Industries would shut down and the vast majority of Americans are pretty happy with their standard of living.

    Fall in the worlds super power? That’s possible. Many of us would be fine with it tbh. I would wish Europe the best with China though.

  4. Nah. You only hear shit like that from conspiracy theorists, edgy teenagers, and armchair political scientists from other countries who don’t have the best handle on how our media translates to day-to-day life in America.

  5. You need to read *Prisoners of Geography* by Tim Marshall. If you want to know why Russia is paranoid and the U.S. seems to ‘have it easy,’ geography is a significant part of the explanation. My favorite quote:

    > The Prussian statesman Otto von Bismarck, in a double-edged remark, said more than a century ago that ‘God takes special care of drunks, children and the United States of America.’ It appears still to be true.

  6. Who can say for sure, but it’s pretty scary that there’s a sizable group of people in the country who are insisting that the election was stolen in 2020, despite all the facts pointing to the contrary.

    It’s not scary at the voter level, but rather the number of elected officials who also support this crackpot theory.

    All it would take is one state government to not respect the popular vote and send electors based upon who controls the state government to create a huge constitutional crisis.

    There’s plenty of safeguards against this. Namely, that voter fraud happened under the watch of the ruling party which makes officials look incompetent.

    Still a long shot and doesn’t mean states will try to leave, but the current political climate isn’t healthy.

  7. I expect to live at least 30 more years, and with luck, 50 to 60.

    I’d be absolutely shocked if the US did not exist in 50 years in the same form as it does today, with the same basic constitution. Likely with another amendment or two by that time. Maybe with another state or two.

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