TLDR: Basically the title, trying to understand her response.

Alright I’m not particularly looking for relationship advice, just trying to understand her reaction. So long story short I was in kinda of a rough spot, we were texting all night, after a couple of drinks I eventually told her that I liked her. Like really, really liked her for a while.

We dated for like a month maybe 6 years ago but it fizzled (entirely my fault, I was way too awkward for a relationship at the time) but we stayed friends. After she got a new boyfriend I figured I’d just try to forget it and move on, but if I’m totally honest I never really got over her. I didn’t make a big deal out of it and we stayed friends. I still liked hanging out with her, we have the same sense of humor and she just “gets” me.

By the next morning I thought I’d really screwed up, even if we aren’t dating I still don’t want her out of my life. Turns out she was super cool about the whole thing. We talked a little; she said she wasn’t sure if she thought she me that way but she’d consider it if she wasn’t in a relationship. For context she’s dating a guy she met on a dating app 2.5 years ago, they broke up after a few months but recently got back in touch and have been official for 2 months. It’s fine, I didn’t expect her to dump her guy out anything, I just couldn’t hold it in anymore in that moment.

The part that is confusing the hell out of me is I thought things would be super awkward and she’d pull away for a bit. But if anything we’re hanging out more than we were before, talking more regularly, we even have a regular movie night together with the just the 2 of us at my place. I’m just kinda confused about how chill she’s been about the whole thing, wouldn’t it be kinda awkward spending more time with a friend that you know is really into you? Someone you know is hoping for a chance to be with you?

I’m grateful I didn’t ruin our friendship, but I have no idea what her reaction means. I know I shouldn’t be expecting anything, butt I have no idea what could be going through her head right now.

1 comment
  1. She said that she would consider it if she were not in a relationship, so maybe she is into you and feels the same way. Maybe she does not feel the same way for her boyfriend and being friends with you allows her to spend more time with you.

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