Had what I thought was a great friendship with a person, we’d text every few days or so, maybe an hour or so each time so nothing major or time consuming, kind of a check in kinda thing, we also hung out so it wasn’t like our entire friendship was over text.

They were always very responsive and friendly and seemed very interested in keeping up the friendship, but recently, it’s been going on about 2 months with 2 texts. I understand some people don’t text their friends much, but this a change in behavior. It wasn’t like this before. I texted them twice, the first about 2 months ago, no response and then once again 2 weeks later, got a very short reply. Basically said they were busy and sorry for not replying…which is interesting for other reasons I don’t feel like explaining.

A couple more weeks pass and now I sent my last text to them two weeks ago, still no response…oh well, I kinda figure the friendship is over, the ball is in their court but I’m not sure I’d reply if they texted me back now, just kinda fizzled and I’m kinda miffed.

Is a sudden change in communication pretty much the sign of the end?

I get that people are busy, but…so is everyone. To be clear I’m not talking about not texting friends or forgetting to reply. I know some people barely text their friends or are just bad at replying, but this isn’t like them, this person was always very happy to talk and responsive and then suddenly…radio silence.

1 comment
  1. Clearly your friend is showing by action they aren’t prioritizing and/or interested in talking to you at the moment. It doesn’t mean you lost them. BUT if you keep chasing them and begging them to give you attention, you will become needy and they will no longer be your friend. Now is the time you need to focus on becoming genuinely busy in life pursuing your goals and hobbies, while learning how to interact with other people on the side. By the way, People are hardwired to be repulsed by those who are needy, desperate, and overly attached to them. They instead gravitate towards somebody who is self confident and well rounded in life. The Easiest way to get started is to find some kind of activity you enjoy doing and keep doing it overtime. You will build self esteem and self confidence. Chase excellence, not people.

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