Update: She messaged me! Wish me luck!

So I just got out of a long term relationship a few months ago, so I’m dipping my toes back in the dating game. Last Tuesday me and a couple of friends went out to a bar and one of them brought a girl I haven’t met before. She’s new to town and she knows my friends from the music scene. Now 2 of the guys are in relationships and the other doesn’t date, but none of that really matters. I was just being myself with my friends and we just happened to hit it off. She was beautiful and charming and I felt we could talk all night. When the guys went out to smoke I asked if she was single, she said yes, and then I (awkwardly asked her out) before she could say anything we got interrupted by my friends who told us they were heading out and one of them was her ride. So I never got a yes or no. Somebody said they hoped I get home safe to which she replied “yea if you don’t, you won’t be able to take me out!” and so I took that as a yes. She made it clear that my friend was taking her to Taco Bell and then home. Once I left I realized I never got her number, so I found and messaged her on Instagram asking her out on Thursday. I haven’t heard back from her and since she doesn’t follow me back it’ll go to message requests (she also has 80k followers so I’m sure she gets a lot of messages. I asked my friend if he could ask her if it was ok if he gave me her number. He became instantly possessive but told me she said I was her new favorite and she’s like to see me perform. He said he’d message her and then when I followed up with him later he told me he didn’t want to get involved. I said “why’d you say you’d ask if you didn’t want to get involved?” To which he said he asked her and she blew off the question. Im not sure if he asked her or not. I’m don’t know what to do now, I don’t wanna blow her up and seem desperate. And I don’t know when or if I’ll see her again, especially since our mutual friend is acting weird about the situation. Help please

TLDR: asked out a girl without getting her number. I messaged her on Instagram and our mutual friend is acting weird about it. What do I do now?

  1. Just wait. You texted already. Do not do it again untill her reply. Otherwise you will look needy.

  2. You let it lie. You’ve messaged her, if she wants to reply she will. As for the friend, maybe he told her; maybe he didn’t. Sounds like he might have feelings for her too though.

  3. Is she not on Facebook? I agree that you should probably play it cool, and give her time to find the message on Instagram. If she likes you as much as you like her, she will be trying to seek you out as well.

    Does she know the name of your band? She will probably google you, and maybe find out where you are playing next. Give her a chance to take the lead.

    If she does nothing, there’s probably not a lot you can do.Bit weird that your friend is being like this though.

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