So i (20m) she(21f) was my good friend and she was really into the things i am and she was so understanding but I didn’t find her physically attractive to myself as she is around 5ft and like a baby and i am around 5’11…. I’ve never dated before and wanted to try out how it feels like to be in a relationship so she was a very good friend and really seemed into me so i asked her out for a relationship for which she obviously said yes. But now after 3-4 months she is getting more serious and serious about me each and every day i didn’t want to break her heart but i just don’t find her physically attractive nd to my friends also i just wanted to date a girl. I want to get over this relationship but without her more and i also think that we were so good as friends but in a relationship it is a different feeling more isolated kind of.

Sorry guys i know i am going for the looks but i am really not into her as i see much much attractive other girls who wanna talk to me but i m just commited so can’t do much.
Need some advice and sorry for english it is not my first language (from india)

Thank you

  1. You’re an unfeeling piece of garbage. You wanted dating experience, so you asked out your friend who you knew was into you even though you aren’t into her. By the tone of your wording I’m sure you didn’t tell her that she was just practice either. You played her and gave her hope even though you knew you were going to toss her aside before you even asked her to date. Obviously you don’t care about having her as a friend, because there is no way she’ll stand by and watch you date others after treating her like shit. Honestly, you don’t deserve her and I sincerely hope she didn’t give you anything she’ll regret. You never should have asked her out in the first place and I hope she and all of your friends realize what a PoS you are and leave you behind.

    3 – 4 months is what you stole from her for your own selfish wants. That is a committed relationship that she could have had with someone who actually appreciates her. ‘Practicing’ dating with a friend who doesn’t know you’re just using them for the moment is cruel and heartless. What you’ve done is beyond that for how long you’ve strung her along. You need to let her go and tell her exactly what your entire reasoning was for asking her in the first place so she can hopefully get over you faster and find someone worth her time. Stop trying to garner sympathy here, because you’ll find very little.

  2. You need to stop leading her on and end things with her before it goes on any longer. It is selfish to get with someone as ‘practice’ when you knew for a fact you’re not really interested in them. I highly doubt the friendship will ever be the same again however the only way it could ever get to that point is through telling her the truth and owning your mistakes.

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