Me and my partner have been together for nearly 2 years after around the one year mark things changed well more so he changed he started being more moody and showing personality traits I didn’t like, at Christmas we moved house and I basically had to tell him to get his act together or I’m done as having been in very toxic relationships previously I wasn’t ever gonna go back there to feeling that uncomfortable feeling in my chest when around him, we’ll things got better but more recently it’s started again,

Also I have been really struggling with my mental health and he’s offered no support when I told him he just said I didn’t even realise you were depressed yet I’d been on antidepressants for over 6 months, I have a toddler from a previous relationship which he has a great relationship with but he’s stopped helping me with them and also we got a puppy and he doesn’t help with him either or really any house work yet I’m expected to go everyday looking after everyone and everything and it’s driving me insane,

He isn’t the same person anymore, and I’m just so unsure on what to do..

I’ve spoken to him briefly and his response was well I’m not gonna leave you, because I’ve got no where to even go… which was hard to hear because it just made me think Is that the only reason your here?

When I said that he was like well no obviously I love you, but it was like that’s an after thought..

1 comment
  1. You set a boundary, he needs to sort his shit out by Christmas or you are leaving, he briefly improved but has gone back to being unsupportive and using you for an easy ride, because he doesn’t want to move out on his own. Well guess what, he is an adult more than capable of supportive himself and you should stick by your rule and break up. He has shown you who he truly is and he has had the opportunity to change or lose you, well he’s now lost you. You deserve so much better, you deserve someone who puts in the same amount of work to take care of the chores and family rather than someone disinterested. He doesn’t care about you and was oblivious to your struggle with depression because he doesn’t care, you are giving him a good home and he doesn’t need to do anything in return, so why would he want to move you? Give him no choice, formally evict him with a 30day deadline, give it in writing and keep a copy, help him pack his shit and leave. If he doesn’t then call the police and drop his crap off at one of his relatives.

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