so i met this guy at work a couple months ago. he initiated our friendship and asked for my snapchat. the first two weeks he’d texted me here and there and asked how i was doing and complimented me on my looks. now he doesn’t text at all unless i do. the last time we hung out he kissed me, held my hand and we almost had sex but we were both nervous and hesitant. whenever he sees me his face lights up and he stops to talk to me. i asked if he wants to date me and he said yes but hasn’t really made any moves other than that night. and he never asks to hang out. he told me that he just got out of a relationship and that it’s going to take a while for him to open up emotionally and that he’s been rejected many times and has a hard time feeling in general. we get along really well and we share similar interests and i feel something special with him. should i continue asking him out or move on?

1 comment
  1. i wouldnt get your hopes up for anything serious as he definitely is not over his ex yet and needs time to heal from that relationship. i dont think hes a player because he probably would of waited until after he finally slept with you to start distancing himself. he probably just needs time to heal emotionally from his ex it doesnt mean anything personal towards you i think he maybe doesnt want to rush into things. whats the problem with just being friends for now? is there a reason you want to date so badly?

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