Men who didn’t start dating or have any experience at all until your mid 20’s, what’s your story?

  1. More early 20’s than mid but I was fat, ugly and listened to womens dating advice.

    Stopped listening to women dating advice. Lost a crazy amount of weight, which improved my looks to roughly average or slightly above average and shit started changing.

  2. Never had any success while in school, all the girls I seriously crushed on were close friends and I was into them for quite a long time.

    Told myself I would stop worrying about girls and relationships when I started University at 21~ only to fall in Love with some girl there a year later and getting rejected by her too.

    At this point the whole dating thing seems super fucking scary. You’ve missed your chance at making your first experiences without pressure, everyone you encounter is much more experienced

  3. Past the mids but it didn’t happen. Had my chances in college but bad self-esteem held me back. Tried dating on my own but failed. Had a lucky shot last year that was basically a miracle with the best girl I met, but it ended horribly. I don’t feel like trying again.

  4. Didn’t care for anything serious at the time and was more in to hooking up or having a few FWB. A relationship I had really fucked with my mind and that lead me to a downward fall of cheating. Wasn’t till I met my wife ( ironically through an ex FWB) when I took relationships serious again.

  5. I’ll let you know once I’m no longer forever alone…like that will ever happen…

  6. Lost my virginity to an escort at the age of 29. Still seeing them nine years later and have never looked back. Great times! 😎

  7. I had my first date senior year of college – it was fine. The next person I dated for 8 months, and that ended abruptly and was extremely confusing to this day though really fun. The third person I dated I am quite sure simply wanted dinner paid for, and I never spoke to them again. Now, I really don’t want to date

  8. Was a painfully depresses shut in my whole life until over the course of about a year I got closer and closer to my wits end putting up with myself not doing anything to change it and slowly started making little changes. I’ve failed a bunch of times gone backwards but once I got past a certain level of self hatred I decided to try tinder and met a bu ch of cool women on there. Few flings, hookups and one relationship in the last 8 months since then. I’m 24 right now. It’s nothing to be revered but it’s real progress to me. I was certain I was going to die alone because i was too far gone until I was 22. I’m making myself do it because if I don’t I’m going to put a bullet in my head on my 25th birthday. Nothing to be proud of, but that’s the kind of motivation I need so that’s what I have to tell myself. I wish I wasn’t this way.

  9. Was an ugly duckling for high-school and very anti social. Joined the military, had a blast focused on my job. By 26, I was sent to Australia for some cool training. Had some opportunities to go up to Darwin for some nightlife fun. Met a girl, connected, lost my virginity. We kept a long distance thing going for a bit but we mutually ended that. I wished her the best, she was cool. The experience gave me a lot of confidence–i didn’t lack it, but I never really payed attention to myself like that.

    After that was a few months of me being a little slut before getting into good relationships. No regrets lol

  10. Pretty much was an emotional mess with some familial abuse. Had “friends” that might as well been enemies.

    Things started changing when I began to get therapy and value myself. I had to cut off almost all relationships because they were all toxic. And once all the toxic ones were gone then I found my girl.

  11. Grew up skinny and religious and not white

    Never got any interest from people around me who were all white

    Finally online dating came in my late twenties and I got some interest from other minorities, through rarely Asian women who only seemed to want non Asian men

  12. I was in a bad place in college so didn’t go out much.. graduated Uni & learned how to dress and shit just changed – I’d always been a good conversationalist so that obviously helped but the fashion change definitely was something I noticed was huge.

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