the other day my gf(22F) was telling me(22M) her best friends experience when she role-played a fetish with her bf. After telling me, we both thought for a while about what are our fetishes that we would want to try with each other, and we couldn’t think on any. I’m new to sex and intimacy (just twice with her) and she too has done once before. So we are really inexperienced when it comes to exploring new things as we haven’t reached that stage yet.
Wanted to know people’s fetishes via this forum to realise if I share any. Thanks!

  1. Well, my username probably says one lol. I don’t know hat it is about hypnosis, but it’s hot. When I look back I’ve always sorta liked hypnosis, just not in a sexual way until I heard of it

  2. Me and my wife both have a cnc fetish. My wife likes it if I just grab her without warning and take her. While I like it when my wife just grabs me at random and does stuff to me or make me do it to her. The only problem is I’m afraid of actually hurting her sometimes so it’s a stop and start.

  3. Read some erotic novels, check out the categories at xnxx dot com. When you’re both exploring obviously you’ll each know what you might want to try when you’re cocks raging and she’s looking at you with those “im so fucking wet” eyes 🤭😉👌🏾

  4. I hope your girlfriend’s best friend’s bf knew people were chatting about their sex life. That kind of thing would be a nightmare for me.

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