I think my moaning might be a turn off to my boyfriend. It’s not crazy loud, and my previous partners have liked it but I feel like it annoys my boyfriend. Once he even shoved a pillow over my face and told me to shut up (during rougher sex) does moaning turn some men off?

  1. You should ask him, it could be one of many factors. Was it just that one occurrence or are there other hints he doesn’t like it?

  2. Nope. Be yourself whether you’re loud or quiet. That is the turn on, being real.

  3. There are perfectly legitimate reasons why you might be too loud. Environmental factors like neighbors or roommates for instance.

  4. If you’re loud because it’s good. Be loud. If it sounds like you’re trying to let the world know we are having sex, shut up, you’re trying too hard.

  5. Some people are just paranoid about neighbors or whatever hearing them. Dated a girl once who was afraid of having sex in hotels because she didn’t want neighbors to hear us. This is while the neighbors are going at it themselves…

    I like it when a girl is loud, it turns me on and makes me hornier. My wife is a loud moaner sometimes bordering screaming but I love it.

  6. Moaning turns some men off who are self-conscious about making noise during sex. That’s his problem.

  7. Usually just worried about the neighbors. TBH, it’s silly. Unless they actually complain you’re usually fine and just providing entertainment/encouragement. Talk to him. If there’s an issue look at a real gag.

  8. You should discuss it with him but personally, i don’t find loud moaning bad!! I love when my partner its herself and enjoys sex! Its all those unique personal reactions that make sex better!! We all have our sex blooper behaviours!!

  9. Talk to him. It could just be a kink, or it could be making him uncomfortable. Noone but him can answer the question:)

  10. Well, he shouldn’t be shoving pillows over your face without clearing that with you beforehand. Even if it is a kink and he’s not actually bothered by the noise.

    Most guys enjoy it unless it’s actually causing you to be heard by others in the house/apartment. Tried asking him directly?

  11. Its really about preference for each man. Me personally, I like very subtle almost whispering moans followed by a slightly louder climax. But never coming close to screaming or loud moans. That turns me off because in my head I feel she is faking it. I’d rather a woman show me she loves what she is feeling by the way she is moving her hands and body in response to my actions to her.

  12. Loud moaning is the best 😌 i love it when my partner just goes to town moaning

  13. Not for me, the more noise the more passion the better.

    Any guy who says a woman is too loud has no idea how lucky they have it.

    Only time noise is a factor is if people are trying to keep it down on purpose because of house occupants.

    But normally every groan noise dirty talk from a woman is a symphony of delight to my ears. I can’t be the only one. His reaction is puzzling 🤷‍♂️

    I would talk it out with him, if he does something you don’t like in bed. You have every right to talk to him about it.

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