What’s it like being spoiled with items and trips by your female SO?

  1. Could you lay some of these out? This sounds like a feminist fantasy novel or a male bimbo story.

  2. Idk abt this but I definitely do spend on the guy I’m dating, not like extravagantly tho. I bring him little things like a mint KitKat I mentioned thaf he seemed interested in, or if I see something at the store that I know he would like I’ll get it.

    Only big thing besides paying for every other thing we do together is I bought tickets for both of us for a concert this week. It’s for a band I enjoy and he didn’t know about so it wouldn’t feel right to expect him to contribute to the night. I just want him to come with me and enjoy it.

  3. Sometimes my wife gives me permission to spend some of my own money on myself. Does that count?

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