Please give details of the story. I’m really bored at work. The more obscure, the better!

  1. I love Greek mythology and most of the myths are great, but for some reason, the story of Orpheus and Eurydice has always stuck with me the most.

  2. My tops :
    – King Clovis who converted because of a bet he made with his catholic wife. Like ‘if your god exist, he can made me win this impossible battle and i’ll convert.’ he win, he converted. First catholic king.
    – Joan of Arc. A girl who saved a king during Hundred Years’War because she heard a voice.
    – Jacques de Molay, a catholic knight who cursed a king and a pope and the curse seems to have happen.

  3. The Native American creation story where North America was created on the back of a sea turtle. The muskrat dove down to get soil and piled it on the back of the turtle and it grew and grew.

  4. Right now I’m really into the love story of Achilles and Patroclus. The book The Song of Achilles is a romantic retelling, but I hear even in the Iliad it’s pretty romantic. I haven’t gotten to that part of the Iliad yet though, I’m only on like, Book 10

  5. I think it’s the ?Greece? Story abt. Narcis!

    He always had a lot of lovers but he hadn’t loved one of them.
    He visited every day the lake to see himself in the reflection, one day he tried to kiss himself in the water and fell, he couldnt swimm do he died.

    You can Google this story, it’s REALLY symbolic, I love it.

  6. _Lysistrata_ by Aristophanes, in which an Athenian woman works with other Greek city-state women to end the Peloponnesian War by getting all women to deny sex to the men. Obviously, it was brought up in the lead up to the US Supreme Court overturning _Roe v. Wade_.

    I heard somebody else come up with the Generational Lysistrata idea, going low-contact with their parents, denying them access to their grandchildren, as long as the older generation kept supporting politicians that are setting up a financial and environmental disaster for their grandkids. I think it’s a grand idea. I wish it would take hold.

  7. My favourite is Finn McCool

    One story is that when he was a kid he met a poet and this poet caught a salmon of knowledge, and got Finn to cook it for him. Finn burns his thumb and sticks it in his mouth and this imbues him with the salmons wisdom. Then the poet gives him the whole salmon and changes his name from his original name, Denme, to Fionn. And now if he sucks his thumb and recites the teinm láida he gains knowledge.

    There’s also some crazy stuff about his wife dressing him as a baby. And there’s a whole natural landmass called the giants causeway that he’s said to have made

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